EXPLOOOSION   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
hashishfarmer likes men
TF2 and Payday 2 Player

+ Rarely plays MW3 on PS5, mostly plays TF2, PD2 and Ultrakill on PC
+ Autistic transfem
+ Backpack worth ~$400
Scammers can eat my ass, my TF2 backpack is mine.
Currently Offline
Rami (Boywife) May 27 @ 6:23am 
+rep we did lines of coke after she let me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ her ass in the hotel bathroom 10/10 would snort again
SeriousSashka May 13 @ 3:51pm 
+rep dont listen to bob hes a meanie (tbh hes still kewl), megumin is a gweat person!!!!
b0b May 13 @ 7:48am 
eggumin. youre british. so yeah you suck. -rep. Stinky brit, get some dental care
Stupid Idiot May 13 @ 7:46am 
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If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
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Megumin May 10 @ 6:07am 
Scammers can sit on my ♥♥♥♥ and rotate
♡Koume_Femboy♡ May 1 @ 2:18pm 
my brain stopped working after I sniffed too much glue