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Publicada: 5 jun. 2018 às 9:31

Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Unplayable at the moment with so much lag you're basically rubber banding from one point to other and not moving. Might give it another try after issues are fixed.
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Resposta do developer:
Memories of Mars  [developer] Publicada: 5 jun. 2018 às 21:58
Hello Bramhastra,

We're so sorry to hear you're disappointed with Memories of Mars but appreciate the time you've taken to leave us a review.

We've launched into Early Access to ensure we develop this title with our community, for our community, so your feedback is invaluable to us!

We are working on this as top priority. The unstable server issue was improved via a hotfix, but we are looking for a permanent, 100% solution now. Stay tuned.
10 comentários
ciri_eklavya 6 jun. 2018 às 9:14 
Desmond you should be mature enough to understand what he is trying to say,secondly if the game is lagging for someone rather being near or far from servers they do have the right to give any sort of review they want. Also the game should not be released in a country where the have no server support. Get the servers up and running and thne sell the game.
BRAMHASTRA 6 jun. 2018 às 3:00 
There are Asian servers, and i was playing on a asian server, also to point out India is a part of Asia.
ZurnD 6 jun. 2018 às 2:02 
it matters BRAMHASTRA, that there are no good servers near you. Just don't put a bad review because you don't live near one.
BRAMHASTRA 5 jun. 2018 às 22:14 
anyday r2 I'll probably try the game after a week or two again lol
BRAMHASTRA 5 jun. 2018 às 22:13 
Desmond plays how does it matter?
BRAMHASTRA 5 jun. 2018 às 22:13 
Anthony it's fx4300, gtx 960 4gb, and 8 gb of ram, runs all the games on fairly normal settings.
M-A-A-S-99 5 jun. 2018 às 18:24 
i agree 100% although i have a great pc iam in the middle east and the best ping i can get is 500+ i was really excited before the game came out but now iam bummed i just have to wait till they set up servers near me
Rivv 5 jun. 2018 às 17:27 
Let me ask you this, what are your pc specs?
ZurnD 5 jun. 2018 às 15:40 
dude you live in India
r2j2612 5 jun. 2018 às 12:54 
Thanks for saving me some money bub :phish: