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0.0 ore în ultimele două săptămâni / 151.8 ore înregistrate (149.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Postat: 26 mai 2016 la 19:08
Actualizat: 26 mai 2016 la 19:08
Produs obținut gratuit

Long Review, I'll probably put a tl;dr at the end.

Honestly, I didn't want to put either I recommend or don't recommend. I'm kind of neutral towards recommending this game to anyone. Basically, try it out yourself, see if you like it, that's that and besides, it's free. I only put recommend because I feel as though there are too many negative reviews. Which is understandable. Everyone giving negative reviews are saying that this game turned pay2win. Which again, understandable because there are a ♥♥♥♥ ton of microtransactions in this game. There's your basic in-game shop with, "PAID WEAPONS ARE UPGRADED VERSIONS OF IN-GAME MONEY WEAPONS!" Then the capsule shop which is basically way to waste all of your money because you're basically opening up crates or cases like in TF2 or CS:GO. There's your standard, "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" waste of money microtransaction. And lastly, the coupon shop. Coupons are racked up from capsules at random and then once you've gathered enough coupons, you can buy some of the best weapons in the game, which would mean pay2win, right? That would be the case. However, I've seen people run around with in-game money bought weapons and still dominate the match. Granted they did upgrade those weapons to its maximum potential. I've also seen people with paid weapons get demolished by said people. I will say that there is a certain amount of skill that can break through that "pay2win" barrier. But who has the time for that?

Now as you can see, currently I have 145 hours wasted onto this game. Why the ♥♥♥♥ did I do that? While I do indeed think that this game is absolute garbage, I also enjoy it... A LOT. It's a casual game for me to play after I'm done raging over my friends and teammates in League or CS:GO or any other "competitive" games that I play. It's like why people play CoD (I mean I hate CoD with a burning passion but I understand why people like it) It's a nice casual time waster. The skill ceiling isn't too high, you can find matches rather quickly, can leave any time and if you have friends, an all around good time. Same goes for this game.

Furthermore, something that I do appreciate in this game is the usage of your arsenal. You must take advantage of every single weapons that you are given. Being versatile and always swapping weapons mid fight will give you that upper hand in that fight. The is a set fire rate for each weapon; however, they can be increased by swapping to another weapon and back. Think of it as CS 1.6 with the awp or reloading mechanic. People would double tap Q to end the reload animation faster and be able to shoot again at a faster time. Utilizing your double jump is also important. A nice mechanic that is in this game is that you can only double jump when you have your melee out, but be careful because there's virtually no strafing once that first jump goes out. You're locked in that direction if you decide to jump a second time.

However, there is a slight issue with other players in this game. Most of them seem to be of Spanish speaking descent (I don't speak Spanish so you can see how this is an issue for ME, if you do speak Spanish, then GREAT! It won't be an issue.) and their pings are always over 100. I've met a few people with under 100 but it's quite rare to see. I have a constant 20 ping and it can be frustrating at times to dying to the same lagging person over and over and over again. Just be mindful of that fact if you decide to play this game.

Furthermore, hackers exist in this game. I used to play this along with the people in the review sections who are saying, "I remember when this game was good, now it's just pay2win." (Basically 3 years ago) There were a lot more hackers then than there are now. I run into them here and there. There would be some days in which I wouldn't run into them at all. And other days maybe 2 or 3. So on average... 1. Which isn't all that bad. I mean, every games have their fair share of hackers... granted this game is dying. FML man, why do I play this. There are also kick protection items that everyone can receive from daily missions; you can't buy those in the store. I personally think that these items are stupid. Who the hell thought of a kick protection. WHAT?! H-HELLO?! WHY?

Final thoughts:
Did I spend money on this game? Hell yea. I am ashamed of it but at the same time I don't really give two ♥♥♥♥♥. I give three. Haha what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke. Anyways, Yes I did spend money on it, do I get kills because of the damage boost that comes from these weapons? Yea, I do think that I get some kills because of the paid weapons. However, I have some in-game money bought weapons in my list of weapons too. And I'm glad I use and have those weapons as well because they are on par with some of the paid weapons. Am I good at the game because of these paid weapons? Lol no, I suck balls. Is my waifu kawaii? Yes. I'm a weeb ♥♥♥♥ even though I don't even watch anime anymore. I enjoy the costumes and designs a lot in this game. There are some that I absolute adore.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this is long. I don't even write reviews for games.

I would say it is a little pay2win but in game money weapons can be on par with paid weapons.
I play it casually and enjoy the living hell out of it. (Why the hell would there be competitive MV anyways, ♥♥♥♥♥.)
There are some advanced mechanics in this game that I like and appreciate, which would also help out against those darn pay2win players.
Most players speak Spanish (And English, there are a few that I've met that don't speak English, unfortunately)
Hackers are present in this game, there are kick protections items (You get those from daily missions, calm down) which I think is just stupid.
I suck at this game yet I have 145 hours logged onto it. This is my PayDay 2.

Why the hell did I write such a long review for such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game? Help me!
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4 comentarii
Joseph Ida 2 oct. 2016 la 19:13 
This qoute describes the game in a nutshell:
ChocoRuke 31 mai 2016 la 23:45 
Call me Arty 31 mai 2016 la 23:10 
Be honest, it was for the anime girls.
TRAVI$SCOTT GAMING 26 mai 2016 la 22:52 
Vry accurate and great review!