dm for OF's
spencer   United States
Sup Babe

Check out my hot wheel cars


:winterpenguin2023: "what the yuk"

IG @DrSpizzle

Currently Offline
Boku no Pico Jun 11 @ 10:02pm 
garbage dota player avoid and report this ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ale x May 30 @ 7:15pm 
also the dota comments are facts, I just dogged on this sad pup.
Ale x May 30 @ 7:14pm 
Lemme get that OF for free.
unholy Apr 30 @ 5:04pm 
utterly braindamaged dodge if u see this comment im doing u a favor
vJack Apr 18 @ 3:35pm 
Bad at dota 2. Plz uninstall.
Only trash players grief May 10, 2023 @ 12:55am 
ive never seen someone pick io and make their carry lose that ♥♥♥♥ hard. u werent with the team once when u needed to be. used relocate like a full on downie. literally used it to farm a wave of ♥♥♥♥ creeps. got urself killed over and over. if u pick io and ur hc loses lane that hard u might as well drink bleach. you were trying ur absolute @ss off and were literally more useless than our deadweight anchor pudge. uninstall dota and do urself a favor before ur brain explodes downie. or just go drink bleach. god forbid u reproduce and bring more ret@rds into this planet