Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
66 van de 108 (61%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties


Successfully persuade an ally.
Ontgrendeld op 23 mrt om 14:24


Successfully persuade everyone to vote the same way.
Ontgrendeld op 24 apr om 12:35


Cast the deciding vote when there is a tie.
Ontgrendeld op 8 mei om 14:40

As Lord

Do not sacrifice the town of Wolffort during chapter 7.
Ontgrendeld op 21 apr om 13:02

The Enemy of an Enemy

Reveal Roland's identity to Svarog.
Ontgrendeld op 17 mei om 12:21


Receive the royal signet from Symon.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 5:38

Secret of the Continent

Find the key in the Rosellan village.
Ontgrendeld op 25 apr om 14:20

Wrongdoing Exposed

Successfully report Sorsley's misdeeds.
Ontgrendeld op 24 apr om 16:45

Silent Sea

Place your faith in Frederica's ideals.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mei om 11:23

Grand Finale

Discover the fourth path.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 14:48

First Campaign

Win a battle for the first time.
Ontgrendeld op 23 mrt om 12:11

Veteran Warrior

Win 100 battles.
Ontgrendeld op 15 mei om 14:46

Efficiency Is Key

Exploit enemy weaknesses 100 times.
Ontgrendeld op 8 mei om 11:57

Working Together

Perform 100 follow-up attacks.
Ontgrendeld op 20 apr om 12:58

From Behind

Perform 100 back attacks.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr om 14:55

Playing with Ice

Freeze the ground 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 20 apr om 14:50

Playing with Water

Create puddles 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 16 mei om 10:24

Playing with Lightning

Electrocute units 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 12:31

Forces Collide

Deal collision damage 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mei om 9:33

On the Defensive

Counter 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 27 apr om 12:28


Heal 100 times.
Ontgrendeld op 21 apr om 11:46


Perform 100 support actions to give allies an advantage.
Ontgrendeld op 21 apr om 11:39

Enfeebling Force

Perform 100 support actions to put enemies at a disadvantage.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr om 14:56

Item User

Use items 100 times.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:10


Deal damage with a mine cart.
Ontgrendeld op 8 mei om 12:15

Spoils of War

Pick up 100 spoils.
Ontgrendeld op 21 apr om 10:31

Shrewd Strategist

Use quietuses 50 times.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mei om 2:05

Bold Battler

Accumulate 1,000 kudos.
Ontgrendeld op 25 apr om 12:03

Sundry Shop Regular

Learn all quietuses and obtain the maximum amount of Quietus Points.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 10:32


Reach the pinnacle of Serenoa's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 9:12

Master Cavalryman

Reach the pinnacle of Roland's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:49

Master Strategist

Reach the pinnacle of Benedict's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 10:47

Fire Master

Reach the pinnacle of Frederica's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 12:45

Master Curist

Reach the pinnacle of Geela's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:25

Master Assassin

Reach the pinnacle of Anna's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:26

Master Flyer

Reach the pinnacle of Hughette's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 9:21

Master Guardian

Reach the pinnacle of Erador's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 10:58

Ice Master

Reach the pinnacle of Corentin's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 13:17

Treasure Hunter

Reach the pinnacle of Trish's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:33

Spell Master

Reach the pinnacle of Narve's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 12:29

Craft Master

Reach the pinnacle of Jens's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:40

Divine Spear

Reach the pinnacle of Maxwell's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 9:24


Reach the pinnacle of Flanagan's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 11:35

Trick Master

Reach the pinnacle of Piccoletta's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 10:59


Reach the pinnacle of Quahaug's strength.
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei om 13:40

King and Friend

View all of Roland's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 27 apr om 14:41

A Toast to the Future

View all of Benedict's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 27 apr om 14:37

Beneath the Starry Sky

View all of Frederica's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 27 apr om 14:45


View all of Geela's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 10:54

True Parents

View all of Anna's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 10:45

To the Open Skies

View all of Hughette's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 10:52

For an Eternity

View all of Erador's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 10:48

Groundbreaking Research

View all of Corentin's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:44

A Lord Worth Serving

View all of Julio's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:52

Allies of the Poor

View all of Trish's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 5:55

A Spot of Sunshine

View all of Hossabara's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:48

Disciple of the Archmage

View all of Narve's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:58

The Value of a Life

View all of Medina's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 12:01

The Perfect Weapon

View all of Jens's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 6 mei om 14:43

A Righteous Kingdom

View all of Maxwell's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 4:41

An Old Soldier's Regrets

View all of Archibald's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:54

A Shield for the People

View all of Flanagan's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 4:38

Blessed Rain

View all of Ezana's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:50

A Merchant's Joy

View all of Lionel's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 4:33

Unwavering Fist

View all of Groma's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 18 mei om 4:36

Of Circuses and Smiles

View all of Piccoletta's character stories.
Ontgrendeld op 28 apr om 11:59

Champion of a New Era

Obtain every achievement.

One and All

Recruit all units.

Defender of Morality

Reach a sufficient Morality Conviction value.

Seeker of Utility

Reach a sufficient Utility Conviction value.

Believer of Liberty

Reach a sufficient Liberty Conviction value.

Unshakable Convictions

Reach a sufficient Morality, Utility, and Liberty Conviction value.

Never-Ending Path

Assent to Benedict's strategy.

The End of Sin

Stand with Roland's idea.

Playing with Fire

Set the ground ablaze 50 times.
36 / 50

From Above

Deal fall damage 50 times.
28 / 50

One Fell Swoop

Defeat 5 or more units at one time.

Few but Fierce

Embark with half or less than the maximum units and claim victory.

A Heavy Purse

Accumulate 1,000,000 coins.
823,000 / 1,000,000

Reaper of 100 Souls

Complete the mental mock battle "The Assassins."

Tavern Regular

Complete all mental mock battles.

Feline Fanatic

Speak to all cats.

Weaver of Histories

Travel all paths.

Avid Reader

Collect all notes.

Wise Warrior

Gather all information.

Smithy Regular

Learn the Weapon Skill of all units.

Bow Master

Reach the pinnacle of Rudolph's strength.

Master Advisor

Reach the pinnacle of Julio's strength.

Master Dancer

Reach the pinnacle of Milo's strength.

Prayer Master

Reach the pinnacle of Cordelia's strength.

Big Boss

Reach the pinnacle of Travis's strength.

Great General

Reach the pinnacle of Avlora's strength.

Cure Knight

Reach the pinnacle of Hossabara's strength.

Medicine Master

Reach the pinnacle of Medina's strength.

Divine Bow

Reach the pinnacle of Archibald's strength.

Spirit Master

Reach the pinnacle of Ezana's strength.


Reach the pinnacle of Lionel's strength.

Divine Fist

Reach the pinnacle of Groma's strength.


Reach the pinnacle of Decimal's strength.

Land Master

Reach the pinnacle of Giovanna's strength.

A Promise Fulfilled

View all of Rudolph's character stories.

A Useful Poisonous Plant

View all of Milo's character stories.

A Princess and Her People

View all of Cordelia's character stories.

Bandit Boss

View all of Travis's character stories.

For a Peaceful World

View all of Avlora's character stories.

The Automaton's Master

View all of Decimal's character stories.

Dreaming of Mother

View all of Quahaug's character stories.

Every Corner of Norzelia

View all of Giovanna's character stories.