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Publicada el 25 JUL 2016 a las 8:12 a. m.
Actualizada el 9 FEB 2021 a las 12:31 p. m.

With every patch devs keep buffing killers and keep nerfing survivors. Playing solo was already painful enough with all these trash randoms doing nothing but urban evading, but now it's just ridiculously unfun. Looks like now the "balance" is to spoonfeed any noob killer with 4k every game. Having over 4k hours and playing both sides I know how easy killer is if you have at least some brain, that's why playing killer was always less interesting for me since it's just boring. If you still can't win as a killer, it's simply a case of git-gudness.

In the beginning of the game there were infinites, jungle gyms, sprint burst and selfcare perks had barely any cooldown, sabotaged hooks didn't respawn, windows didn't get blocked, gens were done half faster and couldn't be broken, there was pretty much no aura reading perks ("we use bbq only for points" haHAA) and guess what? Good killers still managed to kill everyone! And what do we have now?

Killers constantly cry on forums and ever since we have this new community manager who is trash at killer as well, survivors keep getting everything gutted. Self care and sprint burst got nerfed already several times, bnp and insta heal are completely destroyed, changes (read nerfs) to flashlights, toolboxes, pallettes, exhaustion etc...the long list continues. Sure they buffed some useless perks but we all know noone is going to use them anyway (if they want to survive and get decent points and not just memeing around, that is).

Now, killers complain about pallet-looping and, oh god, "gen rush". I'll remind you once again, the gen repair time was already extended twice, there was no gen kicking or Hex:Ruin or Pop before, and, by the way, it's a surv main objective, especially since so many killers prefer camping as such a valid and nice strategy, lul. As for pallet-looping, again, back in the early game, noone was looping, why? Was the maps' design different? No, there was simply no need to, survivors could survive without it. Right now survivors are forced to pallet-loop (and by the way most of them don't even enjoy it since it's just boring), because it's the only thing to either buy time for your teammates or just save yourself. And I haven't even spoken about camping and tunnelling since it's "legit strategies", right, sooo much fun for both sides.

Also instead of fixing the core of the game, broken hitboxes, awful matchmaking and tons of other bugs devs prefer to introduce new horrible animations, which negatively affect survivor's movement, and horrible mobile-like UI, cluttering all the screen - pretty much the things noone asked for that were made just for the sake of updating something.

So, umm, yeah, sad to see the pretty-good-job-so-far-devs continuing destroying their own game.
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1 comentarios
Mado Man 30 DIC 2018 a las 9:01 p. m. 
Someone got rekted by instablind when he was playing the hag lol :)))
So the balance became like trash.
Pretty good job so far :steammocking: