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Posted: Jan 3, 2016 @ 7:25am

Now, I haven't played a huge amount of the game yet but I'll give first impressions.

- Honestly I am liking it so far, the gunfights are not terrible and you can almost be tactical in how you play, I say almost because most of the campaign seems to be quite on-rails and follows the typical COD formula for campaigns.
- Realistic difficulty is the only difficulty I've played on (I'm so hardcore right?) and it's basically as soon as you get shot you instantly die. It's something I really enjoy, I've always hated how you just regenerate health very unrealistically so this makes a nice change.
- The fact that you can complete the campaign with other people reminds me of Halo, it's nice and I think it is a good way to get more people to at least try the campaign, even if they don't complete the whole thing.

- Firstly, I'll say I'm not enjoying the multiplayer right now, it could be because I started off with guns that feel like pea-shooters and the only gun that I can kill people with effectively is a shotgun and then angry Russians start shouting at me in chat. Typical COD experience to be honest.
- The movement mechanics are absolute hell. With over 40 days play time on Xbox 360 of BO2 (Don't judge me, I got it when it came out, I do sorta have a life I promise) I really found BO3 MP to be difficult to get used to, it's not natural to run on walls and there appears to be no way to turn off these new features.
- I feel I would do much better if I had the old movement mechanics from BO2, even against people who can wallrun because I find myself accidently jumping a million feet into the air when I was just trying to dodge.

- It's interesting and definitely a nice step forward in some cases, particularly with the ranking up system because I always found BO2's Zombie mode rank system was confusing and pretty pointless really.
- The characters are entertaining and the gun system is good.
- Not much to say about Zombies to be honest, it's good and you can shoot zombies, pretty much it.

There is a couple gamemodes I haven't really played that much, the wallrunning practice one was fun for the first round I played (Got 2:10 if that's good I don't know) It's good for people who need to just practice running on walls if they haven't played Titanfall I guess.
The Nightmares mode is something I haven't even gone into the menu for yet, I'll probably fix this review when I play it but for now I have literally no idea what it is because I kept myself in the dark for all COD news before I bought the game.

Overall, I think I prefer Ghosts. Not kidding here, as bad as people say Ghosts was, at least there were no crazy movement mechanics like in AW and BO3. People say it a lot about different COD games but I feel like Ghosts was the last good COD.

And to people who say it runs like *poo* on their PC, I'm running it completely fine on a Pentium G3258 @ 4.3Ghz and a Radeon HD 7850. 60fps in MP maxed out and 60fps in Campaign with motion blur turned to dynamic. (There's a load of fire and the motion blur on fire kills my frame rate)

8/10 Could have been worse
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