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Recente recensies door Kitty

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You get a grappling Hook 10/10
no more buying scaffolding or finding ways to avoid buying scaffolding (which I did often because I didn't want to buy scaffolding)
Geplaatst 17 januari.
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28.3 uur in totaal (24.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The game's super fun, and as someone who's played the game cube version to death and loved it, I'm pretty happy that I can play it on my pc.
Game play's pretty good, I end up using my controller most of the time, because it makes the game easier to play.
The chao garden is amazing and I love it so much, as when I was younger I was obsessed with raising chao because of how cute they are.
However, one thing I've noticed so far, and have hated, is that the portals for when you use mystic melody are invisible which makes it easy to get stuck somewhere by mistake. I've gotten stuck multiple times by using mystic melody and going through a portal, only to not be able to find the exit.
Geplaatst 8 november 2020.
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