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4 van de 13 (31%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

I Can Almost Reach It...

Die on a stage floor
Ontgrendeld op 29 dec 2016 om 12:00


Get killed by a roving creature while still recharging Phase
Ontgrendeld op 29 dec 2016 om 12:03


Ontgrendeld op 29 dec 2016 om 12:00

Reaper's Puppet

Die 5 times
Ontgrendeld op 3 jan 2017 om 12:36

Dimension Jump

Dodge a roving creature by Phasing

Insignificant Mortal

Get killed by every creature type in the game

Was It All For Nothing?

Win the game

Please Make It Stop...

Die 10 times

Broken Spirit

Die 50 times

Give In To Despair

Die 25 times in the same stage

Don't Let it End Like This

Get killed by a gargantuan creature in permadeath mode

Indomitable (But Still Doomed)

Win the game with permadeath enabled

Slip Between The Cracks

Avoid every creature type by phasing