Arctacia Zol   Wisconsin, United States
I'm a big PC gamer and board gamer. I also enjoy writing, most of which centers around my ongoing mythos that encompasses Arctacia and a myriad of other characters, places, and concepts. Some of these works can be found on my FA here. [] You will also find various art of Arctacia and other things in the scraps section.

I'm also a hobbyist voice actor and usually enjoy doing things that require narration, dictation, or similar. Character acting is still pretty new to me, but something I don't mind testing the waters with.

My pet since March 2011 is Shiro . I love him to death and he's become a very important part of my life, more than I could ever realize.

I tend to go to MFF and FurSquared for cons each year. Otherwise, my involvement in the fandom is not too heavy, but I do enjoy it where I can. I usually socialize on VRChat and ChilloutVR. I enjoy cooperative and solo PC games. I also host board gaming on occasion.

See below for a snippet of Arctacia's lore.
The Last of His Kind
Greetings, my name is Arctacia Zol and I am a Tythra Lion, or just Tythran for short. I am an artificial species of lion that is shaped and maintained by an inter-networking series of small metallic-looking cubes called Omni Cubes, part of the C.O.R.E. (Central Operation Reactor Element) network. The Omni Cubes also make up the AI core that creates my consciousness and represents who I am. In short, I am a cyborg comprised of a sophisticated AI core running on an organic platform, or body.

My creators are known as the Arctacians, from which my name was derived. The Arctacians are one of the oldest races in the known realms. They realized that other races were beginning to evolve to a point where they would become space-born and start expanding beyond their home planet. To help uplift these new races, the Arctacians created the Tythran to guide curious and expanding races down ideal paths. Unfortunately, someone within the science division did not like the idea of this Tythran project. They secretly and carefully injected viral code into the prototype that would corrupt the original design just enough, but also to not even be noticed, until it was too late.

As such, on the day the Tythran were activated, disaster struck. The leonine creatures were out of control, causing destruction and havoc; they were beings of sheer chaos. A specialist force was brought in to capture and contain the Tythran, but their increasing power made it a risk to keep them held for long. As result, the Tythran were exhiled to a frozen planet away from all life. The planet itself was rather limited in fertile land and would likely be the death of them.

Years later, the Arctacians sent a group of trained assassins armed with debilitating technology and skills to check on the status of their abominations. Sure enough, the Tythran had grown advanced, even in their savage state, and were surviving quite effectively. The entire group was dispatched and killed quickly by the assassins. Only one Tythran remained. This one had managed to advance and ascend in his programming enough that he actually fled the planet. The Tythran was hunted down nearby in space. However, this one's design had become so powerful and resilient that the creature had to be disabled, if only for a brief while. But, it was long enough that the decision was made to try to implant false memories into the creature in hopes it would override any corrupt thoughts. Sure enough, the creature awoke in a daze, but no longer with a rage in its eyes.

When the Tythran was brought back to the home world to be examined, the Arctacians realized it was actually the prototype. That protoype was called Arctacia and this is just the beginning of my story.
Lyncola 11 set, ore 16:52 
09/11/2024 - 6:51PM | Arctacia reached 8008 hours in VRChat!
Lyncola 26 giu, ore 14:05 
InterrobangTF2 20 feb 2022, ore 18:47 
JangoRedpaws 5 nov 2020, ore 21:34 
Rawrr~~ :3
Janxy 7 gen 2020, ore 18:05 
Andrew The Lycanroc 6 dic 2019, ore 20:05