United States
Godwin's Law Count: N/A

Commission this fella:

Idolize the man
Who through follies falters, fades.
He daily puts on masks
In his perilous parade
But when the day is ended
And his dear disguise departs
Yet awaits another cloak:
A cavalcade of counterparts!

One can start to wonder
If he’s real or recompense,
For those whose expectations
Hold his penitent pretense.
Where all is fine and dandy
In his banal balance act
As long as he conforms
To this self-afflicted act.

The saddest fact, my friends
Is this wasn’t always thus;
He used to find enjoyment
In the bustle and the fuss.
But original is trying,
Worse as meager and mundane
Better rich and unrepentant,
Miserable in fortune famed!
Vaihdettavissa olevat esineet
6 562
4 644
vaihtoa tehty
9 096
kauppapaikan ostotapahtumaa
Taideteosten esittely
Bandai 27.5. klo 10.11 
Hellfire cosa
Korby 2.3. klo 20.34 
Swishers 21.2. klo 23.13 
added to dickcuss tradear
Markus clay 21.2. klo 23.09 
I’m here to disgust traaaaaaad
tim 21.2. klo 22.14 
aded 2 disgust trad
Swishers 18.2. klo 2.08 
cant wait to hear about this later today