St. Antraeus
Veneto, Italy
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Jesus Christ can still save your soul. Even if you don't think you have one left.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known; And now abides faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

Now that I have read the words of Jesus words for myself, and know Him as I am known, it was Him alone who preserved my life unto His death, a savior of my soul: such that I would know and understand the truth of His good news through those who carried that light unto the present day; intimate with me but without blemish in thought or deed, and now that blessed hope, the gift of Christ lives on in me.

By His Word were all things created, because in Him I am a new creation: therefore all the cares of this world that used to worry and provoke me to ruin before are but sand through my fingers: I am a captive no more. Through Christ, I am more than a conqueror!

For my treasure now, which is my heart, is not an earthly possession any longer, but belongs to heaven where nothing can corrupt, nor can this newfound treasure be stolen from me: only Jesus Christ was able to mend my broken heart. Death has lost it's sting and sin it's stronghold on me. It was grace that found me deserted and alone, teaching my my lonely heart the gift of His peace that has surpassed every misunderstanding - it is now my confidence!
What Da 5. juli 2016 kl. 11:29 
lol most of the art I find & post is from my comments or friends comments. Just look for some trolly steam profiles with anime avatars and you'll find the good stuff.
What Da 23. juni 2016 kl. 13:24 
What Da 23. juni 2016 kl. 13:24 
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┃█ we hate you ♥♥♥ █┃
┃█  -Mom&Dad  █┃
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What Da 7. maj 2014 kl. 9:40 
your welcome bro, you will always be Antraeus to me dogggg
What Da 19. apr. 2014 kl. 9:52 
yoyoyo happy 4/20 bro
