The only disappearance more mysterious than that of my father, is that of Malaysia Airlines flights.
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41 ratings
vidia Apr 3 @ 7:15am 
Lukisquez Apr 1 @ 5:14am 
hairy man feet
vidia Mar 11 @ 5:00pm 
Thank you for the kind words. And, no, your comment didn't get deleted. Comp wasn't worth it in the end; just play whatever you find fun because that's all that matters. I know that I may be contradicting myself because I said that "TF2 hasn't been fun enough during the past 3k hours", but I said that because I cared too much about improving and proving myself to a community that will not give me another chance in the end. I cannot continue this cycle any longer; I need to move on. I will just play casual in my spare time and try more playstyles besides stock scout, solider, and demo. Enjoy the game while you can and however you can.

Take care.
negative_sound Mar 9 @ 1:30am 
explains why you stomped me in cas so easily imagine this will be deleted but your a good soldier player end day :lovebs: