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投稿日: 2月17日 14時52分
更新日: 5月12日 3時08分

Update: Changing to a negative review again, Sony is still being Sony an the game is still delisted in many countries

Changing to a negative review for now, It's a great game and I feel bad for Arrowhead Game Studios, but their publishers, Sony's, behavior is unacceptable. I'll switch to a positive review if they go back on this idiotic policy.

Game is now in a state where it works most of the time. It's a fun game, and I would recommend it, but there are still issues with bugs and poor balance.

Things to keep in mind

- Weapons are badly balanced at the moment, *some* shotguns feels way better than most other weapons, and some weapons are just trash and pretty much useless on anything but the lowest difficulty.

- The game can get quite frustrating at the higher difficulties, enemy spawning and behavior is not very well tuned, and you can run into some pretty frustrating scenarios where you can't spawn in any spot that safe, and you basically get spawn camped. This can even happen in the early game and dropping into a "safe spot" is often not very safe at all.

- Some stratagems are pretty bad and I feel they need to do a lot more balancing here to

- From what I can tell there are no good armor penetrating weapons for the primary weapon, I feel this limits what you can mix and match if you want to have a balanced load out but don't want a rail gun, autocannon or spear.

- Enemy weak points don't always work so good. I feel even shooting at the weak points some enemies take way to much damage (mostly stationary targets like turrets).

- some maps get very repetitive, for the 15 min "destroy bugs/automations mission" there's only one map for robots and bugs. I don't know why it's like this, just seem badly planned out.

- I feel like some mission types needs a balance pass. Some missions types are way to easy and fast, while others are pretty much impossible. Destroy bugs/automation mission should need like double the kill count to complete and the map should probably double in size. They also need to fix AI pathing, they get stuck all over the maps (mostly a problem for the robots). The mission where you escort civilians need to be tweaked in enemy spawn rate and where they drop, map probably needs to be bigger too, so they can spawn further out, it just gets frustrating when enemies spawn on top of the team all the time.
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