Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
16 van de 27 (59%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Lone Survivor

Win a battle with just your Leader remaining
Ontgrendeld op 12 apr 2023 om 2:39

Snowball Fight

Stack 15 Snow on a single target
Ontgrendeld op 15 apr 2023 om 6:34

Big Hitter

Deal 50 damage in a single hit
Ontgrendeld op 13 apr 2023 om 14:12

Bigger Hitter

Deal 100 damage in a single hit
Ontgrendeld op 21 jun 2023 om 12:43

Tough Nut

Stack 50 Shell on a single target
Ontgrendeld op 14 apr 2023 om 8:21


Sacrifice 5 allies in a single battle
Ontgrendeld op 9 jun 2023 om 11:55


Stack 20 Shroom on a single target
Ontgrendeld op 17 apr 2023 om 10:30

One Punch

Defeat the Frost Guardian with a Scrappy Sword
Ontgrendeld op 13 apr 2023 om 14:44


Stack 5 Block on a single target
Ontgrendeld op 17 apr 2023 om 9:21

High Roller

Buy 3 Charms from a single shop
Ontgrendeld op 15 apr 2023 om 6:49

Gnome Friend

Spare the Naked Gnome
Ontgrendeld op 15 apr 2023 om 14:10

Long Live the King

Survive an attack from King Moko and win the battle
Ontgrendeld op 27 jul 2023 om 5:15

Feed the Beast

Feed the Muncher a Consume item
Ontgrendeld op 16 apr 2023 om 6:09


Win a Daily Voyage
Ontgrendeld op 15 jun 2023 om 8:22


Achieve a 3 Win Streak
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2023 om 8:52


Defeat the Heart of the Storm
Ontgrendeld op 18 jun 2023 om 4:54


Have 12 or more cards in your hand at once


Win a run without any Charms equipped


Stack x10 Frenzy on a single target

Best Friends

Win a run with your pet as your only active Companion


Defeat a Boss without applying Snow to them


Win a battle without any cards left in your deck

Berry Good

Have 30 or more Health on a single unit


Win a run with the Snowdweller tribe


Win a run with the Shademancer tribe


Win a run with the Clunkmaster tribe

1 verborgen prestatie resterend

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