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1.3 hrs last two weeks / 4,516.7 hrs on record (1,968.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 1, 2014 @ 1:53am
Updated: Jan 10 @ 10:02pm

The item servers at this moment has been down for 36 hours, its absolutely disgusting how valve treats this game.

The bot issue has been happening for four years, FOUR years. A single tweet was the only fix we received.

I have met many close friends on this game, and we are all sick of it. It truely breaks my heart to see this amount of negligence, and people will go oh "valve devs can work on whatever they want" I don't care, they should have the common sense to fix it, the higher ups know that this is going on, they have to. ITS BEEN FOUR YEARS. FOUR.

Valve, fix your game. And yes, i'm probably gonna be spending more money on it. I have a problem. :c

I wish I could show new players this game, but every server is infested with bots, how can someone even want to get into this game nowadays.

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