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Опубликовано: 6 мар. 2019 г. в 16:15
Обновлено: 8 мар. 2019 г. в 5:47
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The developer has responded to my review as seen below, and while his English grammar is VERY hard to understand, he seems to be implying that I am lying about him selling a free demo of the $150 USD Unity asset kit called "Highway Racer" here.


..I demonstrate how you can get the exact same demo that this developer is selling (and that this is the demo being sold here on Steam) in this new video:

Here is the link to the Unity asset kit:

Here is the link the developer of the above asset kits website where you can download the demo for FREE (exactly what is being sold here on this Steam page):

I've also reached out to the developer of this actual asset kit and informed them that this developer is selling their free demo for profit. If they want to, they can (and might) take action by reporting this developer for fraud (selling nothing more then their free demo) to Steam. If that happens, I'd fully expect Steam be BAN this developer from Steam for violating the contract he agreed to as a developer on Steam.

..Want to keep defending yourself and calling me the "liar" Mr Developer? The irony is that in your response, you actually attack my own game on Steam that is 100% coded, designed, and made myself with no asset kits and is certainly not a free demo I found somewhere and just uploaded to sell. ...Oh the irony. This stuff is so sad it's laughable...



Not only is this a 100% asset flip from a Unity complete asset kit with ZERO effort made by the developer, this is actually an ASSET KIT DEMO... Yes a FREE DEMO from that asset kit being sold here for 100% profit and ZERO work done by the developer "A Nostru". ..How do you think this video review is going to go? I'll give you ONE guess!


This is as lazy, as corrupt, and as shady as it gets here from people who want to call themsevles "developers" on Steam. A Nostru is NOT a "developer", he is a shady thief and nothing more.


Are you upset about free demos being sold on Steam for profit by developers like this "A Nostru"? Here is how I reported this game, and you can too! (the report flag is the flag icon on the right side of every Steam game store page)
...I hope this helps! ---> https://imgur.com/lOgcYY1
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Ответ разработчика:
andreiburlea  [разработчик] Опубликовано: 7 мар. 2019 г. в 0:22
Hello Zaxtor,

First of all thank you for your review,
When you try to make a review first be sure that all information which you want to provide to public is true and after that make review.And do not mislead the public with fake information.

We have checked all your reviews on your channel and one thing we can say that all games which you have said that is bad all is more more more better that your games which you are selling with more than 1$.

Who are interested in which games are making our hero check the link bellow,

One more thing do not offence others developers and try to appreciate their work,
About assets store we also publishing on assets store and we have seen a lot of our game on STEAM but if you have bought one asset from assets store you have right to distribute it.

Hope for understanding,
Thanks and have a nice day!
Комментариев: 22
Zaxtor99® TTV 18 дек. 2022 г. в 8:27 
Yeah, he fixed the thumbnail art too and made it look much better. Imagine actually spending 5 minutes to make your thumbnail art for a Steam game huh? Sadly, it's still an empty of content asset flip and not even worth a nickel because asset flips are just foundations for games, they aren't complete games.
Kabamaru 18 дек. 2022 г. в 8:23 
He changed the price to $9.99. I guess he listened to your feedback about how the low price tag got you suspicious in the first place.
ManganeseHeptoxide 14 окт. 2022 г. в 13:22 
i got this from a free key. I don't think people would buy this.
Aun Egg 29 июл. 2022 г. в 11:14 
I bought a ton of low priced Steam games and got tons of free keys for an upcoming review series. Somehow ended up with about a dozen games by this developer. Never a good sign when Zaxtor99 is one of the top reviews with the asset kit cited.

A previous comment mentioned the MadOut games. I just now got it.. FlatOut .. MadOut.
Obey the Fist! 12 дек. 2021 г. в 6:58 
Retrowave was made by one of the most prolific repeat offending asset flippers on Steam, RewindApp, who's a nasty little homophobe who has a long career of scamming people out of money, by putting his name on other people's work and selling it on Steam. Real nasty piece of work.
Lord Tyrannikillicus 12 дек. 2021 г. в 0:53 
Haha I love their reply; a pathetic attempt to deflect by calling your games crap. Good stuff here, keep calling out this crap. This also really seems to resemble Retrowave which was released exactly one year after your review here. No idea of if there is any relation if there is any between them. Hope these scumbags don't get any more money.
Obey the Fist! 31 авг. 2021 г. в 1:51 
A bit late to the party here but I'm well versed in asset flips. It's always been a problem for Valve, but they also have a policy of running an open marketplace.

Unfortunately because this is a playable "game", the "developer", assuming they paid properly for the asset, are allowed to try sell it on Steam. If this is a case of copyright infringement, Valve will only intervene if the request comes from the copyright holder.

I know, I've run into some very bad asset flips which were ripped off from source code under an open source license and the asset flipper directly breaches the license by charging money for it, even though the license directly forbids it. Valve still does nothing, despite me reporting it.

All we can do is ensure the message is spread through communities like Sentinels of the Store and Sturgeon's Law, and make sure that our reviews tell the truth about these bad products and bad actors and inform gamers so they can make the right decisions.
MrFkst 6 авг. 2021 г. в 10:10 
This "developer" response is absolutely falacious...
Noob0 10 мар. 2021 г. в 13:53 
Firstly, well spotted Zaxtor99, GG and wp. I just subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Subing is free where as this game costs.
Thanks for saving my coin.

Secondly, why is this game still on steam,
has the developer of the demo not taken action or whats going on?

BenC_65 - Cultist 15 ноя. 2020 г. в 3:46 
ok, just a thief making profit by telling he is a developper, which is a fake fact. lame. super lame.