Yukimare   United States
Trans psychic girl here!

At your service~
Possably interesting stuff + head's up on a few things
First off, if you are going to post a comment because I triggered you somehow, don't. Same goes for if you're going to make a snarky comment on my profile in-game. Take a glance, take a deep breath, and move on. I don't care what you think, and immature comments combined by people getting triggered by me playing honestly gets old after the 869th time.

If I friend you, there is likely a reason like you seem like a pretty good person and we share interests. However, I do my best not to do mob or mass friend requests out of nowhere.

If you wish to friend me, please leave a comment on my profile with the reason why so. Completely random friend requests will be rejected most likely unless I met you before or you've caught my attention somehow in another. If you're private... then it's a block.

Also a heads up, I may clear my Friends List from time to time if we don't talk or play. I mean nothing by these stealth unfriends, it's just we have not done anything in so long. (Unless something stiffy happened) You are welcome to add me back in those cases if it was time that gave reason.
Artwork Showcase
When you're tired of everyone's junk....
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Recent Activity
988 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
363 hrs on record
last played on May 24
255 hrs on record
last played on Mar 1
Princess Peach Dec 25, 2022 @ 7:29pm 
:zgsanta: Merry Christmas, Yuki! :AlmaLove:
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How are you liking Cyberpunk?
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