Sam McGraw   Ohio, United States
"All consciousness if one, separated only by a thin veil of the physical."

Love anime, RTS, RPG, RPing, and others I don't feel like saying....!!!
I love playing Magic the Gathering, so if you're another MTG lover, then we could get along well :D Which so far I love Hive Mind~ So ♥♥♥♥-ish and fun. :3 Ashy was here, love you babe<3
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146 Hours played
I highly recommend this game for ANY RPG enthusiast. Not only them, but for any RPG fan, as well. This game is great! While there are definitely some cons (IE: Character Customization lacking in areas), the pros heavily out weigh them. A story-driven RPG, that has been developed by Devs that truly had a passion for this game, that even brings a new standard to the gaming industry.
There are MANY options to choose in this game. Multiple endings, and even multiple outcomes throughout the entire game. There's even a chance you could complete the game without fighting, if you so desired (though hard to do).
Aside from this, make sure to do your research, aside from reading reviews. This is a TACTICAL RPG game, that's story-driven. It is NOT a ARPG. Do not come here, expecting Diablo. You're better off coming here expecting a more DnD play style, especially with how tactile it can be.
The game is also Moddable. So those that enjoy mods, especially after finishing the vanilla game, this game supports them. Or, maybe you're a modder that wants to mod some crazy content into the game. This game will let you. Mods are lack luster, currently, but remember, it's only been close to a week since launch. Expect many mods to be available as time progresses. I highly Anticipate this game will have many mods to come, and could even come close to Skyrim, in modding.

All in all, I highly recommend this game. I'd give it a good 9/10 score, if I scored it. It's not perfect by any means, but it's close enough to it, and I ca'nt wait to see how this game turns out in the future!
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146 hrs on record
last played on May 22
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last played on May 21
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last played on May 6