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0.1 hrs last two weeks / 3,016.7 hrs on record (1,797.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 24, 2016 @ 5:36am
Updated: Nov 18, 2019 @ 11:43am

Game good. Needs time. You no have time or patience, will have bad game experience.
Review help explain why game may not be good for you and how some people are dumb dumbs.

The 'I played the game for 0.5 hours and it shows'
There are a lot of misconceptions from new players concerning Warframe. Warframe is a beefy game, and a grindy one at that (a grindfest if you will). To get into the meat of it and truly understand everything there is to it, you can be looking at a few hundred hours worth of investment.

One of the most predominant, incorrect ideas amongst new players is the belief or assumption that Warframe is a 'pay2win.' It is not. It is a pve(Player vs. Environment) focused game and there is no 'pay' to 'win.' There isnt even a 'win.' This is not a game that you can get into for a measly 20 - 50 hours.

It needs time, and if you think buying cosmetics or paying for accelerated build time is 'paying to win', you probably don't like the game to begin with. What will you win? Killing more enemies in a coop, pve? Looking cooler than the average joe? Saving time?

Warframe is a game of patience and what you can 'pay' for is Acceleration or Cosmetics. Either of those 2 are not what will allow you to win. You need to have patience. If you don't you'll probably see it skin deep and see the 'premium currency', which can be earned through trading, you'll see the boosters, which are not necessary and should only be used in moderation, or you'll forget this game is free to play to begin with. You see the 'premium', you see the boosters and you may think "oh a f2p that wants my money" without realizing the horror that other f2p's can delve down into.

Not all F2P Are Created Equal
The absolute trash Warframe is. Allowing players to earn premium currency through trading for free. They should only let players buy it with money, right?

Time investment and consistently playing the game is what can make you 'win' or really 'progress' further in the game to eventual end-level content and the all important FashionFrame. F2P, in general, is to expect to have a higher need for time. If you think Warframe requires too much, I urge to to spend time in War Thunder and see how 'good' f2p can really get.

The Market System is a vital part of the game. You can never spend a single dime on Plat (the premium currency) and still get it quite easily through trading. Granted trading may put off some people, there are vast amounts of resources and popular 3rd party websites (particularly Warframe.Market) that can make trading as easy as a click of a few buttons.

Consider Your Options
When it boils down to it, Warframe is NOT a game for everyone. You either like it or you don't. If you try to rush things and gogogogogogo, you're going to have a bad time. You try to avoid trading, you're going to have a bad time (well your wallet at least will). If you rely on 'friends' to feed you mods and such 24/7 to avoid the grind, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME.

Warframe is a game of PATIENCE. Thats what I tell to my friends who are interested in this game. It is all about patience. It is possible to rush this game, granted you got deep pockets, and do just about everything in a few months; however, that would most likely be nither fun nor a quality gaming experience.

Warframe is not a Destiny 2 alternative (for me at least and how I see it). The new player experience is slow, a bit lacking, and could use some expounding upon to explain the player to the game rather than kicking them out there by handing them the entirety of it at the end of the tutorial. Maybe that is one of the things that turn people off. Who knows.

Some people, or the community, praise Warframe players for being so nice. Me, I have no compassion, in a normal sense (hear me out).
I play the game, if a new guy is having trouble, I point a finger in the direction, and I'll be damned if they choose to listen or not. I get on, I play, and I mind my own business.

Play it and make your own judgement, but I am telling you now, you're going to have a hard time coming to a good conclusion if you spend chicken-scratch amount of hours into it. If you don't have the time, your experience will be subpar in a game where grinding is a bit of a norm.
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