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Análises recentes de Woo1y

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3,330.9 hrs em registo (1,264.7 horas no momento da análise)
Many of the games at a 60$ price aren't worth that amount. This game is definitely worth MORE than 15. It doesn't matter if it's on sale, you should get this game and tell your friends to get it. Here is why:

I have accumulated over 1,200 hours on this game and have actually founded a competitive insurgency team. It's only fair that I give the game the review it deserves. If you want to know about a lot about the game before you buy it, you're reading the right review.

The Competitive Scene:

The competitive scene, while not as big as CSGO, has been mostly developed by the players-many of which have played the game for a long time. These leagues (DGL, ESL, ANZ) spread across every region of the world and have offered regional seasons, tournaments, draft tournaments and even world cups. No matter what region you are from, you can play this game. I've played with guys from South America, America and Canada, Eastern and Western Europe (from the UK to Ukraine), Australia and New Zealand, etc. The game does not boast ten's of thousands of players but the players that play this game in the competitive scene are very dedicated. It is not as hard to learn how to play as it used to be because the game has been allowed to develop and the players have figured out how to play the different maps in general. If you're wondering what "game type" the competitive scene revolves around, it's a game mode with 3 points that you can capture, objectives similar to that of the battlefield genre or starwars battlefront. You own one, they start owning one, and then there is a neutral point. If you cap a point, you bring your whole team back. You start with 5 players and they start with 5 players, you fight to the death to kill the other team, using all sorts of strategies and tactics, but also try to potentially cap a point (or bait a cap) and bring the rest of your team back. Sounds fun as hell, right? It's awesome.

Game Types:

If you're not a competitive guy, there are a ton of game modes to suite your fancy here. Want to play fast paced with 32 people and respawns? Choose Push. Want a slower paced mode much like the one I described for competitive, but with 16 players instead of 10? Choose firefight. Want a mix of Push and Firefight, with points you can capture but also respawn waves? Choose Skirmish. There are a few others as well- ambush for instance puts you on an attacking or defending side, where you are forced to escort your VIP (a player who cannot die) to one of two possible objectives. These are the 4 most common game modes, in that order.

Server Activity:

Insurgency recently broke the record of an all time high in the number of players online at once. No matter what time you get on to play, there are always active servers to play on.


The gameplay is quite different from any other game. It's a lot like the Call of Duty 4 Pro Mod or hardcore mode. You don't have any HUD's or ammunition/health bars. You have your gun in front of you, the time of the round, the points and their status at the bottom of your screen and that's pretty much it. It's a source engine game, a lot of former COD 4 guys and CSGO players like it, although it's not really anything like CSGO.

Pace/Mentality/continued comparison:

It can be pretty fast paced- especially push. There are people everywhere and they're all trying to kill you. Other modes like firefight and ambush can be much slower paced. Yeah, you can go for that initial kill, and if you're good you might get it. The other team might also be playing slowly, and you might pay dearly for a risky move. I'd say it's relatively realistic enough to make it different from COD or Battlefield but still arcady enough to be fun for the guys who like that aspect of games- it's a good balance. Reloading takes a little longer than your average FPS, but not too long. Sound is really huge in this game- you can hear tons of things and when you run around people can hear YOU in the next room. You don't know how many bullets are left in your mag unless you've given it at least a little attention, etc. The game requires a lot of mental attention if you want to do really well, but also is arcady enough to where it's completely in your right to mindlessly shoot virtual people at 3 AM. For instance, you can't really mindlessly play Arma or Squad, but COD or Battlefield doesn't require quite as much mental attention. It's hard to be really good at CSGO- but for different reasons. CSGO is a lot about aim. I'd say it's relatively "harder" to be good at insurgency than it is to be "good" at Call of Duty or Battlefield, although prior shooter experience certainly helps. The mental aspect of insurgency and attention to detail isn't really found in another shooter. You'll definitely get a new experience here.

What are you waiting for! Go play the game!
Publicado a 25 de Dezembro de 2015. Última alteração: 29 de Dezembro de 2015.
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