Dr Wntrmute
errspace 2017年12月21日 11時21分 
How is Near Death? I was looking at it with interest, more so now the sale has started
Hundstrasse 2017年8月8日 12時24分 
I'm really enjoying the huge list of Lego: Jurassic World achivements that have popped up in my activity feed! :-P ... hope you're having fun with it!
Hundstrasse 2015年11月9日 3時05分 
Hey! Don't know if you've been keeping an eye on Google+, but we've been having some gaming sessions on Wednesday evenings if you're interested (headsets/mics recommended). Currently we have a server setup for Project Zomboid, but generally we've been rotating the games depending on mood. :lscientist:
Hundstrasse 2015年8月6日 16時12分 
I think Invisible Inc. is pretty good - turn based strategy (not quite as complicated as MG: Ac!d) and well put together. I played a reasaonble amount in easrly access so I havn't really put that much time in now that they have released. How much is it at the moment then?
BaronWR 2011年7月2日 10時38分 
totally not sale-related comment of interest. Also, do you want to try some more portal 2 co-op at some point?