tf3 beta tester 2002
Wilson Winterhall   Tampere, Western Finland, Finland
My name is Wilson and I am a professional Sakura Spirit speedrunner. I have completed Sakura Spirit least seven times, setting world records in every possible category. This is not a gimmick, it is simply very hard to beat them.
I started running Sakura Spirit when it came out to compete with a lot of other speedrunning games to be the world's most powerful speedrunner. You may think this feat would be difficult and impossible to accomplish. But this is not the case.

I started my Sakura Spirit speedrunning career at the age of seven, when my dad took me to a Sakura Spirit speedrunning event. At first I didn't enjoy it. It was hard to find the right amount of difficulty to keep me interested. Even though I wanted to, I couldn't. It was too hard to continue with the routine. I tried to improve, and slowly got used to the pace, but as time went on, I found I was losing interest in the process.

Then after playing a bit of Sakura Clicker, my interest in speedrunning increased considerably. At last I finally had a reason to get motivated and try speedrunning. I decided to take up speedrunning during the summer of 2004. The events at Sakura Championship, an event run by the SPSR community, were quite nice. I went to quite a few Sakura Spirit events, including Sonic Championship 3, but I was never a speedrunner. There just weren't any events. For the longest time I had been interested in having a life, but I couldn't find anything that had the potential to interest me.

PS. 1 of the idiot ever i seen
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Arbiter Jun 27 @ 2:55pm 
reatrded trash of a player
tf3 beta tester 2002 Jun 20 @ 2:19pm 
Foofie Jun 20 @ 2:17pm 
reatrded trash of a player
goblina Jun 11 @ 2:51pm 
birth :Bunger:
goblina May 17 @ 7:45am 
Эмil May 17 @ 4:41am 
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🔥🔥🔥 This dude is fire 🔥🔥🔥
❗️💯 Let’s be friends for future games 💯❗️

💎💎 Have a wonderful experience during each match💎💎
⚜️⚜️ Stay safe & take care⚜️⚜️

🤤🤤🤤The profile is awesome🤤🤤🤤

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