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Portal 2

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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Thinking with Portals presents... Intertwined Streams
Collection by Wii2
"Puzzling Hammers" To celebrate the belated birthday of Thinking With Portals and the release anniversary of Portal, Thinking with Portals having a little mapping challenge. Rather than a competition, however, we’re doing 2 challenges, celebrating the 2 ma
Thinking with Portals presents... Portal Reimagined
Collection by Wii2
"Portal Reimagined" With Portal RTX just released, many of us are seeing Portal 1 in a new light—literally! But many of us aren’t so lucky to be bestowed with a high-spec graphics card, that’s where this competition comes in. Participants were tasked with
The Fifth Thinking With Portals' Discord Competition
Collection by Wii2
Non-Workshop Entries Hamjumper by Camben Apoapsis by MisterLambda Towering by LabPlay
Thinking With Portals' Discord - 4th Mapping Competition
Collection by Wii2
A collection of all the maps submitted for the Thinking WIth Portals' Discord - 4th Mapping Competition
Thinking with Portals - 3rd mapping competition
Collection by Wii2
A compilation of the Thinking with Portals' 3rd mapping competition. All non-workshop maps are listed here: Exhaust Station by srs_bsnss - Foundation Pit by Wii2 -
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