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Senaste recensioner av Wartoc

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2.2 timmar totalt
The game has the visual aesthetics of Tron while it feels like what the old school arcade game of Battlezone would look like if made today. While the story is a fairly standard and generic 'freedom fighters against the evil government/corporation', the game play is a lot more challenging than you make think. You have to plan your shots while being on the move because the AI aim is good. The downside of the AI is the vehicle pathing, it pretty easy to predict and it's easy to get surrounded as the enemy tanks don't stop showing up as you push forward through the level. Tank upgrades are not the usual fire speed, tank speed, and armor upgrades so you can't really farm points and turn it into 'easy mode'. I really wish this game had multiplayer or co-op. I think the maps, if a little bigger, could make a great competitive tank game. Finally, this game has very low system requirements. I'm playing on a Athlon X2 4400+, 2GB Ram, 1950Pro 512MB with no issue at all.

Pros: Aesthetics, shot planning, upgrade planning, map layouts, map completion strategies, low system requirements, cost.
Cons: Story, AI pathing, No multiplayer or co-op, framerate capped at 30fps.
Upplagd 6 februari 2014.
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7.8 timmar totalt (6.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
World of Goo is one of those great faster paced puzzle games and a game that helped bring the 'indie' games into mainstream acceptance. The goals are simple but allows for the player to come up with their own solutions while working under the pressure of the game physics.
Upplagd 29 december 2013.
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4.2 timmar totalt (4.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Fable - The Lost Chapters is a great edition to the Adventure RPG video game fan.
Upplagd 29 december 2013.
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