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Recent reviews by fredlllll

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7.0 hrs on record
i had hoped this was a sucessor to schizm 2, but sadly this has 0 connections to the other games, the riddles are part tedious part guesswork, and the story is near non existent. the english translation is bad, the german one is even worse. the game tried to implement all the negative tropes about puzzlers. immersion breaking dialog that tells you to press the mouse button... repeating the same instruction every second time you look at a riddle where you have to go back and forth multiple times, and of course unpromtedly getting things explained to you that you wouldve wanted to solve yourself.

and this is just the general gameplay. the levels look like they have been hastily assembled. so many pieces are misaligned, or have gaps, or overlap. there was 0 QC on these levels.

very sad to see yet another good franchise go down the loo because someone wanted to make a quick buck
Posted September 7, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
the dev has to fix the levels and game mechanics before this gets a recommendation.

most levels are/feel unfinished. you can fall into empty parts of the levels, ceilings can be missing, rooms are empty etc. the first 3 or so are actual rooms and feel like there has been some work put into making them presentable. the rest are just empty spaces with a few objects to interact with.

another problem is the way you pick up items, it only works when you look at the item at a very specific invisible point. the right click hint stays at the position where the item spawned and works through walls.

items placed on switches get catapulted up if you activate the switch with your weight.

some level parts can be skipped by simply jumping onto a wall.

items can fall through the ground (key, first level)

items get thrown away if you bump into them at the wrong angle

you can sometimes spawn an infinite amount of skulls if the magic box exists

the time reversal thing is not explained and feels super uncontrollable

portals feel like a hack and can easily be activated by accident and majorly confuse the player

there is probably more that is wrong with the game. FIX IT! the concept is great and the first few rooms show that you can actually craft nice levels. graphically its unreal engine 4, so you can expect the standard for that, but the assets are most likely from the asset store and dont fit together visually, and some like the interactables are of low quality and look particularly out of place. the game has potential, but currently its a waste
Posted October 21, 2020.
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12.3 hrs on record
ich musste zwar ein paar mal eine komplettlösung konsultieren, weil diverse sachen sehr schwer zu finden sind, und diese kombinationen der beweise etc ein ziemliches ratespiel sind, hatte aber trotzdem viel spaß mit dem spiel. Das lag aber wohl eher an der lustigen deutschen vertonung, und der gestik und mimik der charaktere. Nur zu oft kann man charaktere die rein garnichts mit einer Sache zu tun haben nach eben dieser fragen. zum beispiel ob ein einheimischer inselbewohner einem die bauskizzen eines wolkenkratzers erläutern kann. ebenso lustig wie diese fragen ist auch die intonation der dialoge, da die antworten und fragen anscheinend vollkommen unabhänging voneinander aufgenommen wurden. Folglich klingt unser inspektor sehr anklagend, während die charaktere mit einer von der welt gelösten ruhe antworten.

abgesehen von der vertonung ist das gameplay recht solide. das spiel läuft auf windows 10 flüssig und ohne probleme. rein und raustabben funktioniert auch, und ich hatte während der 12 stunden spielzeit keinen einzigen absturz, oder auch nur einen grafischen fehler.
Posted August 16, 2020.
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0.4 hrs on record
i really like to build bases in games, and this adds the bonus of being on another planet with new flora and fauna. i recommend it for everyone who also dreams of exploring the universe, and likes to build bases and manage them

i bought the game on itch.io and played that version extensively, hence my steam playtime is low
Posted August 8, 2017. Last edited August 8, 2017.
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5.4 hrs on record
concept of the game is nice. i would enjoy a more complicated crafting system, where you can more finetune the properties of a spell.

now the BUT:
the game feels slow, just extremely slow. and the biggest reason is the warmup of spells. i would rather have a cooldown than a warmup. even normal spells need a warmup animation which just kills the action feeling. im sometimes feeling a bit lost because of the delay between clicking and actually sending the spell. also the AOE could be done better with a cooldown instead of a warmup. when i need the AOE i need it now, not in 5 seconds. it takes the fun out of the game. i wanna wreak havok and not wait for the spell to be ready. maybe a bar that has to be filled by casting normal spells could be used additionally. you either fill the bar with spells or you have to use the warmup thingy to completely fill it. just adds the action back into the game.

im still recommending it, because if you need a game where you can just play for half an hour without any greater story or mechanism you have to remember, this is your game.

could be much more fun though if it were a bit like serious sam
Posted August 22, 2016.
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2.8 hrs on record
Still no clue what the game is about. but i loved it :D
Posted August 30, 2014.
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8 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
I love the sacred franchise, i played months in sacred 1 and 2 and were sad that they said there wont be another sacred... now i wish that this would have been the truth. this game here is not a sacred. its a piece of ♥♥♥♥. its a console port which means the controls are bad, you get render videos all the time and so on. Also it crashed right after the first boss and didnt save. i regret wasting 20€ for this. Positive is, that it doesnt use 20GB on my HDD anymore.
Posted August 3, 2014. Last edited August 3, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries