Hi there

artime 25. dub. v 20.20 
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Farmsy 21. lis. 2023 v 2.23 
Dingleberry +rep
artime 15. pro. 2022 v 2.19 
Yep, thats right I'm an Apex Legend and you're not, you beta male. You see I'm on the Apex grind 24/7 and there's nothing stopping me, I have about over 10,000+ kills on all the legends, that means I'm good with everyone, everything and even the Mozambique. I have spent 4630 dollars on this game, you know what that means I have every single little item in this game, and that also means I'm rich and if you mess with me I'll send a hitman after you and your family. Don't mess with me bud, I win every game I'm put in, including life. :AwesomeS:
artime 17. lis. 2022 v 17.57 
Listen up brah. This is it. This is the moment. The time of the True Gains. Summer is coming. This is where weak men falter and the true beasts break through the wall.

Keep bulking and lifting, but harder than before. You need to be dripping sweat during your workout. Seeing stars. Contemplating if this is what death feels like. Bulk hard until the sun and flowers begin to bloom. If you really wanna be a beefcake, you push through til January. Then the cut shall begin. You shall reveal more gains and muscle than you thought possible since you bulked like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bear. Wear hoodies and long sleeves from here out.

Then when the suns out, guns out. Your friends will stare in awe. Your parents will be confused and wonder if you've done steroids. You'll get a promotion. The gym bros will be jealous. People will part way for you when you walk through crowds.

This is your moment of truth. Hunker down. Embrace the mass.

Think of the possibilities. Endless, much like your gains shall be.
artime 4. srp. 2022 v 3.40 
im looking to buy a new computer can u send me ur specs
artime 20. čvn. 2022 v 19.46 
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.