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This review hurts me to write, because I really wanted to like The Coma. I really liked the Clock Tower games, and this game draws massive inspiration from those, so I had high hopes going in, but sadly, it fails to deliver on several points, both large and small.

As for the small problems, I'd mostly attribute them to the ui and controls. Everything is real time, but all of the buttons are spread out over the keyboard. ESC closes nothing, so you'll have to find the designated close button to get out of a backpack or something in order to interact with something else and the controls don't feel as responsive as they should be. This causes a lot of cheap injuries that I felt I should've been able to get out of. The biggest problem with the ui is the map, mainly in the later areas. Once you get to the third building, several paths that look like they should be open are blocked off, requiring you to find alternate routes or teleporters. The routes that are blocked off are not marked on your map, even after you encounter them, and this becomes a massive hassle when trying to navigate the later, maze-like, levels (as well as something else which I'll mention next paragraph). These issues could be fixed with a simple patch, potentially, but the major issue I'll be mentioning, I'm not so sure of.

The big problem is the antagonist who follows you around. The Clock Tower games had their Scissorman and this game has an analogue, but there are major differences between the two that hold this game back from its full potential. In Clock Tower, encountering Scissorman was a relative rarity which served to add a bit of tension to the game. You had more than one option on how to deal with the encounter, and the game also had several ways that Scissorman could show up (walk around, jump out from a closet, leap out from a pool, etc...), all of which added up to an antagonist who added spice and fear to an otherwise standard point and click adventure game. In the Coma, the antagonist only shows up one way (walking around), there is generally only one way to avoid the antagonist, which is hiding. You can flee, but you have to flee quite a ways away, which leads to my next issue. The antagonist shows up far too often and kills all pacing. If you touch the villian at all, you lose about 1/3rd of your health, so you have to run. That means that while you are trying to solve the puzzles and navigate the maze, you'll randomly have to run in the opposite direction for a little bit, then find one of the many common hiding spaces, and then wait for about 10 seconds. That may not sound too bad, but on your tenth time in a row in a short while. it becomes incredibly tedious. I went from saying "Oh Crap!", to "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Not again!" fairly early on, and this only gets magified when navigating the mazes in the latter half of the game. The one thing I'd recommend is perhaps cut the encounter rate in half and give some kind of way to fight off the hunter without damage, or at least reduced damage, because I really cannot overstate how much having to constantly run away kills all pacing. Imagine a maze where you have to draw over what you've been drawing at random, frequent intervals, or Resident Evil 1 (mentioned Clock Tower enough in this review) where, every time you saw a zombie, you had to run back three rooms and wait, then hope the zombie wasn't there when you got back.

It's a shame, because there is a bunch about this game I like, primarily in terms of characters, story, and art style. I would like to see this game get more refined, but as of right now, I just can't recommend it to anyone who values tension over tedium.
Publicada em 17 de janeiro de 2016.
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Missing far too many features to be considered a decent pc port. Go play the free versions on consoles instead and hope that eventually Koei Tecmo will figure out this whole "PC" thing.
Publicada em 30 de março de 2015.
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