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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 98.8 hrs on record (97.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: May 4 @ 1:32am
Updated: May 16 @ 6:43am

Early Access Review
I waited for this Game since I saw the first Announcement. Gray Zone Warfare has the Chance to become the Ghost Recon Alternative I ever wanted. Sadly I cannot recommend it atm.

Im struggling to even hit a locked 60fps with DLSS on 2k low. FSR Framegen can give me up to 70-80 fps, but it still feels like 30 because of the massive input lag it introduces. Even with Nvidia reflex ON + Boost.
And GZW starts crashing regularly with Framegen on.
Picture in Picture scopes make it even worse, since they halve the already super low fps. (PLEASE make them optional)
Extreme rubberbanding (especially near buildings) and freezes make it really hard to enjoy GZW atm.
First i thought my PC could be the Problem, but the game ran like a dream, when we played on an empty server.
Its just a gamble so far. either we get an okay server after ~10-20 tries, or we have to endure extreme rubberbanding.
even weeks after release and after the player base dropped significantly.

Today is the third Day of my headless, knifeless and safeboxless Adventures. I could wipe my Character, but some People report, that the Problem got even worse by them also losing their Stash. So....headless Gaming it is i guess. I filled out a form in their Discord 3Days ago and im sure the Devs are working hard on all the Stuff that gets reported.

My Specs:
RTX 3060ti
Ryzen 7 3700x
16gb Ram
GZW installed on SSD

Stuff id like to see changed gameplaywise:

-arm stamina should not drain / there shouldnt be scope sway when prone.
-a PMC should be able to hold his breath for waaaaaaay longer.
-Filling Magazines shouldnt be instant.
-A rope, that lets us jump out of the Helicopter at any Point of the ride to fix LZ-Camping.
-There needs to be consequences for teamkilling ASAP. Its not healthy for a Game like this, if people can just jump on another ones Helicopter, jump out at the LZ together and then teamkill because someone wanted the Gear of the other Person.
-A Button to switch to low ready, so it doesnt go automatically out of point fire position.
-A way less arcady Jump.
-The possibility to use the nice incremental crouch on the move, since it feels really clunky having to stand still for it.
-Reduce the general ''clunk'' of the game. Atm I have to wait ~1sec after the Animation of checking my Mag, before the Game registers the Input for Reloading for example. GZW feels really unresponsive because of stuff like that.
-Please let us change the Map and Voicechat Keybind.
-Unique Faction Gear / Outfits (not only would that make identification easier, it would also make looting more interesting, since one faction could have Traders with Nato Gear, another one would trade AKs etc. and it would make GZW more replayable, because choosing a new Faction next Wipe wouldnt be the exact same Experience.

I'll gladly change my Review to positive, as soon as the first half of it gets fixed. I really hope that GZW gets its chance to shine.

Edit: I really love this game when it works. sadly GZW seems to try everything to get me to stop playing.
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