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Alice Quinn 17.12.2021 klo 16.58 
Hey man, this shadowrun walking mod looks really great! So is it somewhere one can download it from, or have you explained how you did it somewhere? Would really appreciate, the running is really bugging me ^^"
Doozi-_- 29.10.2017 klo 12.59 
Could you share your Shadowrun Returns movement speed mod please? I've never used the editor, and in trying to for the first time based on hints from your comments in a relevant thread, I'm not making much headway.
Shuck📉 14.7.2014 klo 18.21 
Give this rose to everyone you want to anally devastate:
Bitcoin Barry 17.3.2014 klo 12.04 
Hey man, could you shoot me some help to the walk/run/draw dialogue, or email me the code details to or my comments? Thanks.
Stug Baross.ttv 1.6.2012 klo 15.50 
old man, OLD MAAAAAN!
robozippy 31.5.2012 klo 19.41 
Hey we need to talk!