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16.2 hrs last two weeks / 227.6 hrs on record (49.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 25, 2023 @ 1:24pm

It's easy to look at this game and just write it off as 'My Hero Fortnite', and in some respects, that's not entirely wrong. At its core it is just a battle royale game featuring My Hero characters, but I think it does plenty to set itself apart. Every hero and villain has a unique play style that feels rewarding to learn and master, and the Quirk Level system is a great way to power up your character that makes it easy to see and feel the difference in strength as you progress compared to getting a gun with a different color and bigger numbers. What really sells the game for me personally is the character writing and interactions. The game is fully dubbed into English with every member of the anime's cast reprising their roles and is filled with tons of unique character dialogue and voice lines for different party compositions and battle interactions. That being said, there are a few things that hold the game back in its current state. As of Season 2, there is only one map with not a ton to do outside of finding items and helping civilians, and there are still some annoying bugs that hamper the experience occasionally. The devs do seem to be listening to feedback, however, and the bugfixes and character balancing for Season 2 were pretty much entirely positive. If the game continues on an upward trend for future seasons, I can see it sticking around for a good while.
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