2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 72.2 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 15 @ 10:58am

Early Access Review
Wonderful game with a TON of content and a (pleasantly) progressive scaling curve!

I've seen a few reviews really tearing on the game because of it's difficulty, disregard these. Guessing none of those folks played the demo at any point, doesn't really feel like they increased the difficulty. Haz 1 might've been a 'slight tad' more chaotic at launch, but not to an unmanagable extent at all, although they've already re-adjusted the difficulty a bit, I didn't think it was necessary :)

You really aren't supposed to shred thru the game on your first playthrough tho. Farm a few minerals, get a couple passive upgrades, unlock the overclocks and soon enough you will be able to dispel of the swarms very consistently without much of a hassle! There is of course a learning curve to the game, as with most, and as soon as you manage to kite the hordes and not destroy terrain needlessly (very strong funneling tool) it becomes an extremely enjoyable experience.

My only suggestion as of now would be to slightly reduce the damage the Dreadnought (boss) deals to the player at lower hazard levels. I can see how it feels a bit tedious to clear. Dodging it's attacks is fairly easy when you get the hang of it, but that takes practice, and you (usually) do get 2 or 3-shot by the Dreadnought. Depends on health and armor ofc. And as it's leap attack hitbox can be fairly unforgiving, I think this would help new players get the hang of the attack pattern and smoothens out the overall initial experience of the game.

With that said, can't recommend the game enough. Great job as always and congratulations with this gem, devs!
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