ElliotKing 2012. szept. 2., 5:11 
theres oil under your bed and im gonna dig it al out
ElliotKing 2012. júl. 16., 8:20 
death to the pixies
ElliotKing 2012. júl. 1., 12:23 
squirrel, squirrel where for art thou squirrel
ElliotKing 2012. máj. 31., 8:25 
dogs will rise to join the rebellion against the man of may gentile habbits
ElliotKing 2012. máj. 22., 11:15 
dung would condition georges hair well but he keeps on using ostrich egg yoke
ElliotKing 2012. máj. 2., 8:23 
peanut woop woo
ElliotKing 2012. márc. 24., 13:30 
hello i want to lay an egg but george keeps forbidding me