Bret   Vancouver, Washington, United States
I'm an amateur 3d artist, and my aspiration is to be a game developer.


Stup's Portfolio []
[FSAS] Ravothan 20 lipca 2023 o 2:02 
Hey man just reaching out to say FSAS Gaming is back and rebooted as FSASReborn with new management and were looking for support from old members who wish to return. So please come check us out
Croc49 18 lutego 2021 o 1:21 
your portfolio link is broken
dnb 30 września 2019 o 22:03 
look at your recent comment LOL
-rep trash teammate
MelonMan_RL 17 września 2019 o 18:19 
Thanks guys! I'm glad I'm living up to my name! <3
Big Chete 6 grudnia 2018 o 18:08 
youre literallly the worst rocket league player there is please do us alla favor and uninstall
onyx 27 października 2018 o 22:53 
GET TO NET YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥