Shiro♌ Sep 14 @ 6:53am 
I guess.. Their time, their decisions.
Even ~500 games on account isn't all that much.. People simply like to complain about things just to fill their free time with something and behave in a specific way. Yup, it wouldn't matter in the end.

I don't know how would one even prove that to be truthful.. Like I keep sayin', best to doubt everything, even one's own thoughts.
Our eyes do tend to deceive us, too.. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if our brain were deceiving us a bit when it comes to specific things aswell! :runeshock:
Jinx Sep 14 @ 6:43am 
Tbh. People can do what they want. 100 games isn’t even a lot taking into account its over the span of 12 years, and 20+ were free. Even if it was, it wouldn’t matter lol.

Also he got banned for targeting and harassing people with flag charms. Lol. He probably shouldn’t have openly admittedly he plays to kill gays
Shiro♌ Sep 14 @ 6:27am 
Hmm.. That makes me wonder, how does one even get a life? :sonettasmile:
I'm all open for some suggestions on what to do to keep myself busy if I don't know how to fill my free time, which hasn't been the case for quite a while, but to call people out is just out of my true nature.
What you're describing is the resort towards escapism due to getting into unfavorable situation caused by one's own actions.. Which, yeah, hurts one's ego without a doubt.
Jinx Sep 14 @ 6:16am 
He was first mad cuz I got him banned for being needlessly homophobic. Then for whatever reason he decided to tell me to get a life for having 100 games. The irony is that he has 600 games. So when he got called out. He immediatedly removed the comments.
Shiro♌ Sep 14 @ 6:11am 
That's one of the many reasons why I block such individuals the moment they reveal their true colors.
If somebody can't be respectful towards the other people, then I don't wish to be near them anytime soon, nor to connect with them in any way.

I don't get it..
If I were to delete my comments afterwards, then I do better refrain from interacting in the first place.. Otherwise, simply bite the bullet and apologize despite having my ego screaming in pain from that decision. :uritona:
Ludwig Van Blighthoven Sep 14 @ 6:05am 
Seeing people rage in comment sections, getting bashed in the face for it and THEN deleting their comments afterwards.

One of the many reasons that keeps me going :lunar2019piginablanket:
Jinx Sep 7 @ 10:37am 
yeah, remove your comments coward.
Jinx Sep 7 @ 10:36am 
You have more games than me. I think you should reconsider your life choices, because on every path of the way, you've made an embarassment out of yourself. Take the ban and piss off.
Jinx Sep 7 @ 10:30am 
by getting the games. Thought that was pretty obvious.
Jinx Aug 27 @ 6:10pm 
oh wow, you're using your secondary account now. A for effort. I don't even know what you mean with gave up. You died in the start. I took a hit for you, so you could run further. Let it slide. Go eat your foot fungus or whatever. Using several accounts will not make your point come across any better. If anything, it just makes you look like a loser. Although given your open fetishes. That’s already too late.
Mαgiciaƞ Aug 27 @ 5:35pm 
u gave up after 5 sec chase and talking ? u have no right to talk.. learn to dont ruin people game plasure.. there is a lot troll like u in this game buddy
Jinx Aug 27 @ 5:05pm 
It's not often you see a baby go cry on your profile, and struggle to type a coherent sentences without formatting. I'm sorry you don't know how to play your role. As neither killer or survivor it seems. You literally died first. Maybe try harder next time instead of whining to me about your own skills? Also lol, you have to be completely idiotic to think kindred, resilience, deja vu and prove thyself are useless. That really speaks volumes about your game knowledge. I'll keep your comment around. It is not often you see someone so openly tell they suck and not know a single thing about perks.

Also wow, what a profile. Sonic and foot fetish. That is just... sad. Actually humiliating, to even be in the presence of. Might actually throw up after seeing that. Ew!
·˚SandStone♡ Aug 27 @ 4:13pm 
when i play killer get 4 meta slave survivors try hard ds otr unbrea lithe.. when i play survivor i get team mates like this person with stupid useless perks even have almost 4k hours know tunnel exist in this game trash
Jinx Aug 9 @ 10:06am 
I look foreward to see what else they'll do, and how they can make this mode enticing for both sides in an equal measure. I don't wanna talk about balance. That's for the developers to do correctly. Whether its balanced or not right now, would be an argument till no end. Haha, but yeah. Just more of the same, and more variety. This mode and old mode would be perfect for dbd. They also just announced fnaf lol. I know some will be happy for that.

Sucks to hear about real life stuff. Life is a slippery slope, but its the little moments that count for what its worth.

Sleep well!
Jinx Aug 9 @ 10:05am 
hi hi,
My thoughts are mostly the same. Happy for any innovation on dbd's side and I hope they do more. I look foreward to more killers to choose from and maps. The queue times will be naturally longer, cuz for one thing, killers playing together is new, so everyone will wanna try that. They have told they can't do anything about queue, because the massive amount of killer influx wanting to queue together.

So to entice more survivors would be good. Think something exclusive to that game mode. Atm, the mode does not really offer much of a new experience for the survivor side. No perks, no totems, no flash saves, shorter chases. This is maybe not so appealing with the limitations on survivor side. Altho, some of these removals are definitely a plus for some killers, but still i'd argue something is needed. So giving survivors more variety would be a benefit. Be it fuel cans for gens, new items, some second objective that isn't gens like fuse boxes, unique animations or such
Shiro♌ Aug 6 @ 4:11pm 
Oh, hello there! Juust joking.. Or maybe not, heh. That's the best part. :sonettasmile:

Now that the 2 Vs. 8 is coming to an end.. What were your thoughts about it?
Personally, the beginning was a nightmare, getting matched against veteran duos and new survivors.. But after calibrating, the matchmaking has started to work and I started having fun once again.
I do gotta say, I liked it.. But I disliked how it affected the base game's queue times.
Another positive about it was that there were tonsa pallets, making it ideal for practicing the basics, and how easy it was to complete challenges in that game mode.
Healing survivors, repairing generators.. You do name it. It was almost as if the rift was getting completed without me even realizing it.

Hopefully, you'a doing better than me.
I've had to go through some real pain IRL, but I shall be just fine in no time.
Best to head to bed, given the time, so-

Goodnight, sweet dreams! :florawink:
Jinx Aug 5 @ 3:23am 
Hello there
malse31 Aug 5 @ 2:39am 
hi ♥
Jinx Jul 22 @ 10:12am 
even if they dont try to make it competitive. Anything player versus player, will turn competitive to be honest.

But I do appreciate any form of innovation. Cuz dbd solely needs it. It's been too much of the same for a long time, and as it is. Dbd is just really simplistic of a game. Even the ground in the map is 99% flat. Within square tiles of a map. Surrounded by nothing but void. That's as simple as it gets with design. We should expect more innovation and verticality. Go a little more crazy. Make some new loops do something wild. or objectives that turn things upside down, for the sake of it. Make it wild. Make it new.

They won't do all that of course, but a step is a step :) See you soon!
Shiro♌ Jul 22 @ 9:52am 
Yas, and people are aware of that, right?
That makes me question why'd one wanna bring that out, especially if theya not playing E-Sports to profit off of it to begin with.
I guess, that's a good thing in the end. Some mysteries are best left unknown as they are..

The concept of the game mode appears interesting, yeah.. Hopefully, there'll be some kinda mechanic to force different survivors, because having eight Feng survivors, bunny Fengs for example, could get a bit too easy to get tired of. :erune:

I am always here, lurking in the shadows.. For the time being, at least.
Have a good rest of the evening!-
See you! ~ :Kotori:
Jinx Jul 22 @ 9:07am 
competitiveness in any form tends to breed a certain playstyle, that rarely motivates on fun. Personally I look foreward to 8 vs 2. If not for the simple reason of it being a bit different. I hope you have fun and a good time. Take care as well and see you hopefully soon again!
Shiro♌ Jul 19 @ 3:28pm 
Mm, I have also had some really negative experiences that day and a day onto it, but things have become all good by today.
What I mean with that were some real insane numbers of competitive players, and it did show in their playstyle just as much as it did show in their behavior in the endgame chats especially.
While this Dead by Daylight's Rift seems unique, it's in the end not that good in my eyes, because the tails do make the characters stand out a lot more and doesn't reflect their hitboxes.
It's a bit too complicated - The cosmetics do have too many details, while I'd prefer to keep things simple.
Given my hardware, I'd be real surprised if I manage to handle 8 Vs. 2, but there might be a lack of killers.. Because competition is what drives many people into it.

I will be looking forward to your reply, or for my arrival back here in the future at some point.
Take care. :eselphine:
Jinx Jul 17 @ 4:19pm 
I'm not having the greatest time with dbd. It's been getting a bit repetitive and I have a lot of games on my radar. Outlast trials recieved a big update same day. And i'm also playing once human which has a timer before their season ends , so I feel in a hurry to play that, and I also just bought another game. Plus got work irl and other stuff lol, so dbd is a little difficult to focus fully on right now and occasionally you'll meet some strange people in dbd. Like the person further down lol, but it is a really good rift right now. So for those who aren't tired of dbd, its a good time to go play now! There's definitely fun to be had. 8vs2 mode might bring some chaotic fun to the game as well soon. I'll definitely check that out.

I hope you're very well and wish you the best! See you around Shiro! You're always welcome here or to be friends. Will go sleep now! Good night :LoveTalia:
Jinx Jul 17 @ 4:18pm 
Yes, happy I can scratch this off my list. I have recieved a lot of friend adds and comments about this too. Still a lot of chapters i'd like to have in the future, but this is good

Really happy to finally have Lara.
As far as her perks go... I mean... I find them boring personally. They have their uses, but i'll prolly just stick to something else. Which is fine.

She had a very blood curdling scream. I dont mind it, but its definitely ear piercing.

Yes, it seems they mainly only do gear from the survivor trilogy. So immortal guardian will likely come eventually. There's only so many outfits in the survivor trilogy. Half of them are just remake sets or recolors.. I'm personally still holding out hope they'll be willing to include cosmetics from previous games. I want angel of darknesss sets or the doppelganger.. but highly unlikely.
Shiro♌ Jul 17 @ 4:06pm 
Hey there,

It looks like they have finally added Lara into Dead by Daylight.
I didn't expect that, but it seems like I am gonna stick with her and forget about Feng despite having X millions cosmetics for her. Whoopsie.
Rather than talking about her perks, what do you think of her so far?
I'm not too fond of her screaming while getting hooked, otherwise everything seems just fine.
.. Just, too bad she didn't get Immortal Guardian outfit and that her Apex Predator is a set. I would have liked to combine that headpiece with her Leather Jacket outfit.

It's always a pleasure to leave a few words here, as they are always being accepted with even more positivity than they do contain. For that, I am very grateful.

Given what time it is-
Goodnight! :solazzz:
Jinx Jul 16 @ 2:12pm 
Oh you removed my comment. Haha, what confidence you sure have. Hit a soft spot I see? Well don't worry. Here your comment will always be kept as a showcase of how utterly pathetic you are :LoveTalia:
Robb Jul 16 @ 1:57pm 
trash surv retire pls lmao
Jinx Jul 1 @ 3:38pm 
♡ Helena Meow ♡ Jun 27 @ 1:46pm 
Jinx Jun 26 @ 12:03pm 
a little bit of drugs wouldn't hurt :OrangeMushroom:
keynesian economics enjoyer Jun 26 @ 11:46am 
+rep no drugs, only hugs!
n e o Jun 13 @ 3:08pm 
Jinx Jun 13 @ 3:04pm 
n e o Jun 13 @ 2:22pm 
Hello Jinx

would you please help us with Hogwarts Trading Cards Petition?

Link is Steam Community . com = Save = not leaving Steam = no Auto Fill (Hack)

Please delete (no Spam) this Commentary after you hopefully *SIGN*


Wonderful Week*END* & stay *HAPPY, HEALTHY & SAFE* :steamthumbsup: :steamhappy:
Jinx Jun 7 @ 7:00am 
Claire Redfield Jun 7 @ 3:49am 
Hello Jinx

would you please help us with Hogwarts Trading Cards Petition?

Link is Steam Community . com = Save = not leaving Steam = no Auto Fill (Hack)

Please delete (no Spam) this Commentary after you hopefully *SIGN*


Wonderful Week*END* & stay *HAPPY, HEALTHY & SAFE* :steamthumbsup: :steamhappy:
♡ Helena Meow ♡ May 28 @ 1:51pm 
Jinx May 18 @ 5:14pm 
no no, don't worry. Your message was beautiful <3
Nez'lakor May 18 @ 4:39pm 
I was a bit confused because I thought you were referring to me :zaglol:
Nez'lakor May 18 @ 6:54am 
   :2019clover::shockedstar2022:         :shockedstar2022::2019clover:  
:shockedstar2022::cathcorsage::butterfly::2019clover:    :2019clover::butterfly::cathcorsage::shockedstar2022:
:2019clover::butterfly:    :cathcorsage::shockedstar2022::cathcorsage:      :butterfly::2019clover:
:shockedstar2022::cathcorsage:           :butterfly:             :cathcorsage::shockedstar2022:
   :shockedstar2022::butterfly:              :butterfly::shockedstar2022:
      :shockedstar2022::cathcorsage:          :cathcorsage::shockedstar2022:
          :2019clover:   :butterfly:   :2019clover:   
  𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭
Jinx Apr 23 @ 2:14pm 
Niceee, I appreciate you enjoyed it and your cat :summercat2023:
Bronathan Myers Apr 23 @ 12:58pm 
:luv::luv::luv::luv:/>  フ
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Love ur profile (yes, I read it all :3)
WWW Apr 8 @ 1:08pm 
Jinx Apr 6 @ 3:23pm 
me liking a game has nothing to do with the studio inherently. I don't even know what you got banned for. As far as I know your thread just got locked and you went here to rant to me. If that isn't anger, then you must be more stupid than I thought you were. You are ranting at my profile, despite me having zero to do with your ban. I just disagreed, and that's where it ended. And others agreed with me as well. Good bye.
Ackranome Apr 6 @ 11:53am 
I am not angry, so please don't insinuate. You clearly love BHVR though based on your profile.
Jinx Apr 6 @ 11:36am 
lol, you really messed up huh and taking your anger out at me cuz i disagreed in one comment? Good on you bud. Perhaps that's wise to ban you then
Ackranome Apr 6 @ 11:11am 
Also it wasn't a thread lock - it was a permanent ban. LOL. That is how I know BHVR is like complete trash.
Ackranome Apr 6 @ 11:11am 
I am not even mad. :) BHVR is a trash studio.
Jinx Apr 6 @ 11:03am 
lol because your thread got locked? That's on you. Maybe be less of a disappointment, and get a grip on some manners.
Ackranome Apr 6 @ 10:59am 
Clearly in bed with BHVR.