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1 person found this review helpful
10.6 hrs on record
This game is absolutely terrible. It's as simple as that. This game is a remake of the original Ace of Spades made by indie dev Ben Aksoy. The original game before Jagex bought it was a tactical trench-warfare Voxel based FPS. However, early in development, Jagex bought the license from him in secret and told him to continue development. However, they forced him to add things no one in the community wanted like an SMG (Which completely broke game balance), a shotgun, infinite sprint, auto-climbing, and 1 extra grenade (sounds minor, but made bunkers almost worthless)Eventually, they forced him to cancel development so that they could make their own version of the game, which is what this review is for.

Pros of the remake
+Better graphics
~Had a larger community, but doesn't anymore.
-Horrible optimization (Tried this game on 4-5 different computers, all capable of running Skyrim on at least medium at 60 FPS, and it still ran like ♥♥♥♥♥♥ on all of them, staying consistently below 30.)
-Badly balanced classes (At first Sniper was OP and wrecked everything, and now it is literally a death sentance and the Miner and Commando destroy everything
-Building is pointless (Anything you build can be destroyed in seconds by the miner. It's as simple as that)
-Hackers, trolls, and griefers everywhere. (almost no Anti-cheat exists, and it's almost impossible to play sometimes because there are so many cheaters. Trolls run around teamkilling everyone and building phallic structures, and griefers destroy anything you build making it even more pointless.
-Lack of updates (Took almost 2 years for an update that was supposed to take a week. Enough said)
-Bugs everywhere (floating blocks, shooting through walls, diamonds in the Diamond Mine gamemode spawning outside the map and making it unwinnable, and infinite flying through block abuse, just to name a few.)
-Horrendous lag and server optimizations. ( Even on a server only a 1 hour drive from my house I had 136 ping. Most people had 200+. This happens on almost every server.)

Overall, It's a VERY bad remake of a previously good game. I honestly can't suggest the original either because nowadays it's full of people who don't speak a word of english, hackers EVERYWHERE, horrible lag due to people connecting to servers from outside countries running around with 300+ ping, and 10 yr old kids griefing and trolling. If you still want to see it, it is now called Build And Shoot.

Rating: 1/10
1 from decent graphics.
Posted November 27, 2014. Last edited January 3, 2018.
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