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0.0 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 206.6 hrs em registo
Publicada: 3 nov. 2023 às 16:13
Atualizada: 3 nov. 2023 às 17:55

Ship building can be fun. It can also be intensely frustrating for no reason.

That might be the end of the list of positives. Starfield is a game that tries to do a lot, but doesn't try to do any of it well. Exploration, storytelling, worldbuilding, buildcrafting, crafting, and characters are all things that are weaker than many contemporaries in gaming, but also weaker than in other Bethesda games of the past.

The main quest line is just a thin excuse to push you into New Game +. The world doesn't do anything or appreciate what few complexities it does have. The exploration is completely pointless as their is no reward or gameplay loop to incentivize any of it. It doesn't even have a log of things scanned for the completionist. Crafting might as well not even exist. And there's just nothing engaging in the moment to moment play. We're still doing very basic shooting with some dragon shouts that may as well have been pulled over unchanged from Skyrim.

But maybe you have a shipbuilding addiction like me.
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Resposta do developer:
Bethesda_Kraken  [developer] Publicada: 4 nov. 2023 às 10:02

We are sorry to hear that you did not enjoy some aspects of Starfield.
Our team is constantly working to ensure that Starfield is a fun and polished experience.

To see the most recent updates, you can visit our official site: https://beth.games/3r2QGSr

We are still actively working on this game and will be for a long time yet to come. Please tell us more about any issues you have by opening a ticket with us: https://beth.games/46e5g8E. After selecting your issue type, continue with “Next” at the bottom of the screen until you are at the ticket submission.

If you would like to provide feedback straight to development, you can do so here: https://beth.games/46e5g8E

We want to make Starfield awesome for everyone who wants to venture out into it!

Best Regards,
Bethesda Customer Support
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