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6.3 hrs last two weeks / 2,985.6 hrs on record (2,974.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 21, 2023 @ 12:15am

if you're looking for a daycare center community in a video game, this is the game for you! it is full of people who cannot bear to take Ls and rage hack when they cannot turn a fight around, and they don't get punished under the "revolutionary" valve anticheat, honestly this remaster has been pretty much a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ despite valve talking up about how good their security measures are. Previously i would still have had an incentive to play this game since it was one of the games where there were rarely cheaters on mm (maybe i have good trust factor, who knows) but i think i have met more cheaters then i have ever did playing csgo, it is honestly baffling. But at this point it's just normal to have these sorts of things i guess, the state of this game has eroded too far to the point where there isn't much incentive to play the game anymore, valve likely knows this but still pushes out cs2 because they realised how much valorant took away the market from them and they're just trying a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ last attempt to win back a percentage of their market by pushing out this accident of a game.

honestly just play valorant if you're looking to play something similar, at least their rival company cares at least 10% more of what's going on in their game
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