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1 person found this review helpful
35.8 hrs on record
One of the greatest Street Fighter games next to Ultra Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and I'm saying this even if my main isnt here [Dictator Vega]

It's just too bad I still suck at this game
Posted May 31. Last edited May 31.
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3.8 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As a big fan of Wrestling games including both new and old; I've always considered games like WWF No Mercy, WWF Wrestlemania 2000, WWF Attitude, WCW/nWo Revenge [etc...] to always be a classic fun to just hop onto and do a couple of matches, weither it'd be a classic 1v1, sometimes 2v2's and just many more that these classic games came with at the time and just enjoy beating up wrestlers and pin-falling to victory! With more of games like Pro Wrestling X, Wrestling Empire, AEW: Fight Forever (<-- still need to play), and other titles out there that go for the style that THQ and AKI Corporation style from previous mentioned titles [not WWF Attitude obviously] once had, surely it would be somewhat hard to recapture to how WWE games felt like before the Smackdown Series' and Smackdown Vs. Raw Series, right?

Well, Yes and No.

While Pro Wrestling X is still an Early Access Game, It's far from perfect but it's not a terrible game either; while I got somewhat of a good feel experience with this game like the good ol' days; Some bugs do make this game more frustrating than actually have fun with it cause of either that reason alone and/or the really awkward and stiffness controls this game often has a problem with tends to make me play it less and less and stick to more other wrestling titles out there. But the idea is there and I like the devs are still working on this game, so it's not like it was ditched or abandoned unlike most half-baked games

So what are the things I liked about this game?:

- Creation Mode is pretty interesting but feel is very limited, especially since there are some moves that certain wrestlers use the said moves but don't exsist or can't make due to limitations of CAW features, attire, hair options, But it's decent enough!

- Moves seem pretty good while some you would recognize from older titles; Some new ones are introduced here. so this one is a positive

- In terms of gameplay from beginning to end on wrestling, this is pretty close to the older titles. and the HUD gives that feel too and pretty straight forward of what to do.

- Some of the Wrestlers that some that are in the base game are either a reference or tribute to real-life wrestler, most recognizable for me is Hayabusa as Falcon [my 2nd fav next to Undertaker being #1]

Now what are the things I didn't like?:
Hear me out, This game IS in Early Access as previously mentioned but I would still like to point out some flaws with this game

- The stiffness and really bad delay on the controls are the most frustrating to fight with. often times i see myself getting wrecked by the Bot who uses the same move over and over, and because my inputs are heavily delay based and not on-point, I find myself getting defeated, which in fairness I think Bot suffers from this too

- Speaking of Stiffness; Menu feels very delayed when going through anything in the menu, sometimes my inputs get eaten up for little to no reason despite me using my d-pad or my joystick to move through the menu, it's somewhat annoying. not sure why.

- Animations while some are good, I find some animation like the weak and strong grapples standing take way too long before you can even move again, even after you get up from a move you pulled, it only takes 2-3 seconds before you can suddenly move again when the animation is done, And playing the older titles while experiencing this to make sure im not going crazy, it defiently wasn't like that before, so it feels really weird to wait for the frame/animation to be done before i can move again even after standing up from a move. [and im sure the Devs are fixing this issue]

- Too many bugs like weapons randomly flying, or table just flips when hitting the collision even when it's not even setted up, jumping from a turnbuckle to fall right through the ring, and probably more that I haven't encountered yet

- Creation Mode while i said the on the good side, I will say that it really is lack lusting, Hair options, attires, Gloves, and some new/old moves from previous titles.

- Championship Mode near the end is buggy as all hell

- Why is there no grapple reversals? odd choice to remove them cause Reverals puts more of a challenge to both the player and computer players, cause then you just spam the same moves over and over and it'll be over less than 5 minutes.

Would I still recommend this game? Of course, But I would wait on a sale cause if you're expecting much from this game, you will be very disapointed. But to say this game is bad; I would somewhat disagree.

and I get that this game is running on Unity Engine, So I imagine programming or making games on Unity isn't as easy and can be challenging,

But I still see potential with this game, just need to be ironed out more imo.

But hey! just my opinion: If you still like this game for what it is, That's great! you got more enjoyment out of it compared to me. and if you didn't like this game; perfectly understandable.
Posted March 29. Last edited March 30.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hella recommended especially cause the devs keep up with feedbacks and keep the game well polished, The feel and the look/art for this setting heavily reminds me of Perfect Dark for the N64, and that alone is what got me interested instantly while working with them as an Alpha Tester, While I may not have been active with them as i did awhile back, I still keep in touch. try to login and play a few friends against bots just to see how better and greater the game has got

Do give this game a try!
Posted January 10.
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42.5 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)

This game is a few mixed feelings for me but I wouldn't say that it's actually a bad MGS game, just wasn't for me. I don't hate MGS2 with all passion, nor would I say that MGS2 is a masterpiece and overpraise it like no other MGS titles couldn't top over to alot of people, hear me out

- Gameplay: It's a huge improvement from MGS1, The new mechanics such as rolling, holding up the enemy, which all of these were later used in Twin Snakes].

- Music: Pretty good soundtrack to listen to, even have some of my favs that i tend to listen from time to time, Harry Gregson-Williams makes really awesome soundtrack.

- VR Missions are pretty fun, and pretty challenging. But challenge is a good thing.

- Snake Tales is something I tend to keep playing cause of how some certain tales are placed on not only Tanker [Snake's Story], Plant [Raiden's story] as well, and gives some interesting depths and non-canon [what ifs] storyline, While it may not be official canon, I still loved it]

Cons: [PLEASE hear me out]
- Story: While alot of people have praised MGS2 for it's story and uniqueness that not only predicted some facts that a 2001 game from the creator Hideo Kojima; But also Raiden also being part of the MGS story and how he came to be before his own game at Metal Gear Rising.
Here's the thing though: I wasn't REALLY a big fan of the story as it didnt really interest me all that much and while the cutscenes were nice to watch and watching Snake on the screen was way more entertaining than actually learning the plot when it just isn't that well impressive; just not my cup of tea. (and if you love it it, all power to you)

- Raiden [yes, i'm one of those] While Raiden gets a spotlight and gets involved in the incident of Big Shell, I didn't personally enjoy him that much, and while i'm not the one to say that Raiden is a bad character, He just wasn't that interesting at all [he was kinda more whiny than he actually was a badass] I like to think of him as "I just appreciate he's there" kind of deal. and there's nothing wrong with other people loving him. it's all good if they do.

- Characters: Majority of the characters here are pretty forgetable, I kinda forgot majority of the side-characters such as the President, Boss Characters, side characters, [etc] [only people who were memorable was Pliskin, Solidus, Ocelot and E.E.]

-AI: The Boss characters are pretty unique with each of their own difficulty, Can't say the same for Patrol Soldiers and just Soldiers overall, While this part isnt a big issue, I just want to point out that these AIs arn't exactly perfect. they're good nontheless.

Overall: I personally think that MGS2 is one of the weakest MGS in the series [and alot of people are gonna hate me for saying that too lol], But it's NOT a bad MGS game, It's just a MGS game that I would play it to replay Snake Tales and get the achievements,
BUT to some extent; I can understand why people love MGS2, it's uniqueness, the new things that were introduced and evolved from MGS1. But it just isn't for me.

Side note: you want a bad MGS game? Go play Ghost Babel
Posted November 8, 2023. Last edited November 8, 2023.
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66.9 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Before you read the review ..please understand: This is just my opinion, Alot of people are constantly whining how bad the releases are on every MGS games/ports when it's not THAT bad... [Not perfect sure]

For someone who has never played Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake in their entire life (until 1-2 years ago when I decided to do an entire Metal Gear Series marathon including spin-offs and other titles that were considered non-canon.) I never really got to feel what Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake had to offer until I did just that. And I only really played like Metal Gear Solid 1, to 4 [3 being my most fav out of all MGS games] and despite the one issue where the game would look like it ran on 20-30 FPS only and not 60 FPS like it probably should've, I still actually rather enjoyed the games despite this.

While both game had some slight problems with me liking MG2 over MG1. both of these games are both great in their own right, I have to say:

It really shows that Hideo Kojima has put a real amazing work on these amazing 2D Metal Gear games.

- Soundtracks are amazing

- Puzzles are pretty cryptic, but so satisfying to solve when you figure it out. [Metal Gear 2's puzzles makes my head hurt]

- Gameplay mechanics between both changed for the better, and makes MG2 much more fun too

- May be abit short [if you know what you're doing] but it's pretty fun to try different methods of your choice that gives the game abit of chances to try Metal Gear, dont always need to grab certain items in a strict order [depending on the item though]

The only issue I can really give about these ports are;

- [Believe this is on MG1 only] Save points are only triggered when you go to the elevator area, otherwise any progression outside of that will not work [so be sure to save often]

- as stated before, I wasn't able to get the game to 60 FPS [unless it's just how it's built for these ports]. So while i saw the original footage of the MSX version being smooth. the gameplay here isn't so much. but it's not enough to make me say that this is a bad port, just a missed chance.

THAT being said; These are the type of games i missed out on and am happy to play them now and see what it was like before Metal Gear hit the 3D scene, and it's honestly worth it even for a dedicated MGS fan.

I'd say get it now!
Posted November 1, 2023. Last edited November 1, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
348.9 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Game runs like garbage, constant stuttering, And can't even find solutions to even fix it,

Yes I can run other games just fine and it's smoother than this garbage, Even Call of Duty: Vanguard runs just as better than this. How did Vanguard get ♥♥♥♥ on for "issues" [when it ran just fine if not really well polished] but MW2 gets the slip for running garbage?

And no it's NOT the Steam version, Because Warzone 1's last few seasons on Battle.Net was the exact same results, They just don't seem to give a sh!t about optimizations it seems.

Then again, They stopped giving a sh!t after Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. [Except Call of Duty: WW2]

Instead of telling us to "Upgrade Your PC to run the game better" solution, Since you can't always suggest us that.

Posted November 16, 2022. Last edited March 5, 2023.
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0.8 hrs on record
Well that was a waste of my time trying to get this program to work to mess around with, only to find out that this app has been abandoned by the devs anyways and bought DLC to help out with what I tried to get.

Oh and don't let their price of $6.69 fool you, it's not worth wasting your money on a full price, not even on sale.

PLUS you can't use the app offline as the app requires online only appearently, Which is huge dissapointment and really suspicious and SUPER shady as all to hell

Don't be like me and buy this at a full price; PLEASE avoid this, Go and buy Manga Maker Comipo instead. I should've bought them in the first place instead.

Posted July 29, 2022. Last edited July 29, 2022.
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148.7 hrs on record
While it's not the most superb game and not ahead of it's time, And pretty jank movement (Seriously you're like slipping on ice with the slow startup movement)

The game is not THAT bad. And the game seems fine for what it's worth. Just don't expect much out of this game. and there are only 8 missions. Kinda almost like it's trying to be Sniper: Ghost Warrior but WW2 themed. And very less thought put into it.
Posted January 19, 2022. Last edited January 22, 2022.
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0.2 hrs on record
I WANTED to play this after playing Delta Force Xtreme and registering an account to their website is very impossible and possibly dead

I don't usually thumb down games or even Realistic Military Shooter games unless it's really god awful.. but when the game forces you to play Single-Player with an account that you can't even do... that's kinda big no-no..

Sorry, But i don't recommend this game. Save your money for other DF titles.
Posted January 12, 2022. Last edited January 12, 2022.
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9.1 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
A pretty decent WW2 game that for sure is a mobile game just ported over to PC, And the realism is not really here, And using rifles with headshots are literatly top tier in this game.

I'd only play this if i have really nothing better to play, and even then. I'd prefer Enlisted and other better WW2 games out there than this, but for what it is. it's not bad. just decent.

5.5/10 atleast for me.
Posted January 7, 2022. Last edited January 7, 2022.
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