Connor O'Brabo Mar 3 @ 12:15pm 
Lagargato Jan 27 @ 11:37am 
R?? Jan 24 @ 2:17pm 
Big coc k man :steamsalty:
Connor O'Brabo Dec 3, 2023 @ 11:28am 
funny cockbar sisi yes yes
_\|/_ MØnra _\|/_ Oct 25, 2023 @ 9:13am 
Boa tarde Sr. , nós da Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia recebemos as suas perguntas enviadas por e-mail, e é um prazer respondê-las:

1) Sim, 9 cm é considerado pequeno. Sugerimos processo cirúrgico;

2) Não, não é comum a camisinha ficar larga. Não existe tamanho PP, o tamanho é único;

3) Ainda que 9 cm seja um tamanho muito pequeno, é possível a parceira chegar ao orgasmo durante a relação sexual, portanto se isso não ocorre nas suas relações conforme mencionou, pode se tratar de falta de competência de sua parte;

4) Não, o senhor não pode fazer o exame de próstata, é apenas para pessoas acima de 50 anos. Por favor não insista;

5) O forte desejo por pessoas do mesmo sexo, pode sim ser um forte sinal de tendência ao homossexualismo;

Estamos à disposição para qualquer dúvida!
Connor O'Brabo Sep 5, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
muito gay fdp
foxzN Sep 5, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
foxzN Sep 5, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
Muller Oct 17, 2022 @ 8:07pm 
Homem, eu acho
Ghost Oct 18, 2021 @ 1:38pm 
Luska Oct 16, 2021 @ 7:43pm 
tOnIgHt on bOtToM GeAr: i throw a body pillow full of c4 into a preschool richard single handedly wipes kansas off the map and james finally gives in to the voices
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
Crisis in Venezuela
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the socioeconomic and political crisis in Venezuela. For the ongoing presidential crisis, see Venezuelan presidential crisis. For other crises in Venezuela, see Venezuelan crisis (disambiguation).
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
The crisis in Venezuela is an ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis that began in Bolivarian Venezuela during the presidency of Hugo Chávez and has continued since. It has been marked by hyperinflation, escalating starvation,[6] disease, crime and mortality rates, resulting in massive emigration from the country.[7]
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
According to economists interviewed by The New York Times, the situation is by far the worst economic crisis in Venezuela's history, and is also the worst facing a country in peace time since the mid-20th century. The crisis is also more severe than that of the United States during the Great Depression, the 1985–1994 Brazilian economic crisis, or the 2008–2009 hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.[8]
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
Other American writers have also compared aspects of the crisis, such as unemployment and GDP contraction, to that of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the 1992–1995 Bosnian War, and those in Russia, Cuba and Albania following the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.[9][10]
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
On 2 June 2010, Chávez declared an "economic war" due to increasing shortages in Venezuela.[4] The crisis intensified under the Maduro government, growing more severe as a result of low oil prices in early 2015,[11] and a drop in Venezuela's oil production from lack of maintenance and investment.[7] The government failed to cut spending in the face of falling oil revenues, and has dealt with the crisis by denying its existence[12] and violently repressing opposition.[7][13] Extrajudicial killings by the Venezuelan government became common, with the United Nations (UN) reporting 5,287 killings by the Special Action Forces in 2017, with at least another 1,569 killings recorded in the first six months of 2019;
DrDallas Aug 25, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
the UN had "reasonable grounds to believe that many of these killings constitute extrajudicial executions" and characterized the security operations as "aimed at neutralizing, repressing and criminalizing political opponents and people critical of the government". The UN also stated that the Special Action Forces "would plant arms and drugs and fire their weapons against the walls or in the air to suggest a confrontation and to show the victim had resisted authority" and that some of the killings were "done as a reprisal for [the victims'] participation in anti-government demonstrations."[14]
foxzN Nov 26, 2018 @ 8:57am 
is a co ck