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5 av 10 (50%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

The Wanderer

Find the light at the end of the tunnel.
Upplåst 7 okt, 2017 @ 6:34

Rorschach Test

Evade an octopus's ink blast.
Upplåst 7 okt, 2017 @ 3:57

Decoy Octopus

Use a flare to distract a cuttlefish.
Upplåst 6 okt, 2017 @ 16:57

Sticky Situation

Defeat a cuttlefish, before it gets too close for comfort.
Upplåst 6 okt, 2017 @ 16:57

In the Mouth of Madness

Defeat an anglerfish, before it gets a grip on you.
Upplåst 7 okt, 2017 @ 4:08

Behind Bars

Locate unlucky Uzor, while your world’s turned upside down.

Signs of Life

Recover one personal effect for each member of the Oceanova crew.
8 / 20

Memento Mori

Retrieve ID cards from each member of the Oceanova crew.
17 / 20

The Orphanage

Locate the lifeless mother cuttlefish, surrounded by her spawn.


In our darkest hours, even a little amusement goes a long way.