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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.2 hrs on record
Posted: Aug 22, 2019 @ 2:00pm

This is a marvel of a game. They somehow manage to say all the right things and fail so horribly. There are 3 things needed in a game and this fails at all 3. It needs to be well explained or intuitive. It needs to have good gameplay. And it needs a nice UI.
This game is bad in 1 and HORRIBLE in 2.

UI: This has to be the worst Ui I have ever used. First off it doesn't change on resolution or aspect ratio, it is just 4:3 and that's it. There are so many things to click on that are completely useless like info or help that can be pushed aside in the settings or something. The boxes that show character and gamemode are not aligned for some unknown reason there is just 1" of gap that could be fixed in 5 seconds. This happens a LOT. The settings are hard to look at and are cluttered tight in a small box instead of using the 16:9 screen I have. The Logo at the top right is just a logo and doesn't bring you to the home screen like any other game. And get this the home icon isn't for the home, it brings you to their website. Currencies are small in font, but take up a long horizontal distance. There are pictures that give no info. I got rewards in the game for challenges. Now in siege you click the challenge tab and click the challenge its self to collect the reward. OHH that is too hard here. Nope go to challenge menu, click challenge, click claim, click accept, and click I accept I accept. NOT EVEN KIDDING. There is stuff like this all over the game.

Intuitiveness: This game is not too hard to learn, but it kills itself right out the gate. To me a good way to learn a game is to allow a player to do anything in the game, but hint to them how and teach them about what they are doing. NOT HERE.

-You jump right into a tutorial, that you can't change weapon, sprint, throw nades, basically jump and shoot only. Then it teaches you very slowly and without explaining anything with bad habits. What does that mean? 1/4 the way through it says to pick a class I do, and that is it nothing happens and it doesn't teach me the class. What is the point of picking it then?

-Before then it tells me to switch weapon. In this game you can scroll, press 123, or F1F2F3. Take a guess on what they force you to use through the tutorial. Yup F1,F2F3. Pros will tell you to use 123, I agree, but it is standard to use scroll, so pick one of them.

-Then there is a whole kill people with nube tube part and it tells you too, but it just mark 1 spot and not the enemies so I shot there for a while and nothing happened. I had to kill everything with it. There is no progress bar or anything so you have to guess. I spent a while using an AR because I was sick of the nube tube and it got me no where.

Gameplay: This is how I describe how this was made. A 10 year old kid who likes cs:go, but was a big Dice fan described the game to make to Call of Duty devs, but only devs who love anime.

-The aiming is a mix of cs:go sprays and R6 crosshair movement. So the bullets always go where the crosshair is, but there is a pattern. There is not nearly as much crosshair customization as cs:go and every gun changes it anyways even on static so size changes are useless.

-Movement is like cs:go where knife is faster, but for some reason bomb slows you down in hand. This is good except the bomb thing.

- You know in cs:go how you get to buy, HAHA throw that great mechanic away, not here you have classes. Like cod you create 3 classes and use those each round. This is already bad, but it gets MUCH worse. You know in cod how you unlock weapons, same here. Except in cod you get 1 in every class right off the bat, so you can be a sniper, shotgun guy, smg, ar, lgm exotic, etc... In this game you start with a pistol and an SMG/AR thing you earn money by ranking up to afford new guns. So new players even in bomb defuse cs:go game mode are immediately all put to a disadvantage.

-You know how I said anime fans. This is because this game has a very clear military aesthetic through the entire game for guns and map assets. Until it makes them money. Because you can buy a school girl who is in a battle field with no armor, all the women are wearing belly button T shirts, some guys have business suits. Yet default dude is an American soldier at modern times. I have no problem with the woman thing, it is just the fact that for money they clearly will destroy aesthetic for guy boners.

-Defusing in this game is horrible. cs:go and this have the same time for how long the bomb is active till it explodes. Except defusing and planting are 7 seconds. Almost twice as long. It just doesn't work well with the game. Especially with the next point.

-sound: I am not against a headshot sound, or hit sounds. Although for them alone I had to put the game to 30 volume out of 100. Headshots are sooooooooooo loud. Look at cs:go it is a quick higher pitched dink sound for a short while. This game makes it into a Doom shotgun blast no matter the distance.

-Blood: There is too much blood. (I know I keep comparing to cs:go, but it is most like it) In cs:go I will admit knowing if you hit the shot or not can be hard and is something you just learn after a long time of playing. This game addresses this by loud noises and LOTS of blood. Like too much, in fact too many times I thought I killed a guy because of the amount of blood or I literally could not see him because the blood was like a smoke grenade.

-map design: These maps are horrific. So large and confusing. The mini map isn't detailed to walls enough and the maps them selves are too big with too many nothing hallways. I played on a map where there was a whole bunch of halls below A. But it is bellow A so they are not on mini map. Also why is there a below A? Just put it on the same level. It is hard for Valve a master at map design to get its 1 vertical map "Vertigo" right and these guys are not fixing or addressing the issues that Valve has and is.

-servers. I was playing every game with such a mix of players. I found matches 4X faster than CS:GO or COD, but a few of my games everyone spoke Russian and had insane ping. Other games everyone was English, but everyone had high ping. Just don't find me a game above 150ping and other languages. Make times to find a match longer, but the matches better matched.

Honestly I can keep going on small things. But this game is just a mess. It wants to be competitive, but wants to do so many Casual things. It wants to be military aesthetic, but fun. It wants to be modern, but it has the UI of a 2010 game with the options off a modern game. The Dev team to me just doesn't know what there game is and what it to be everything creating this horrible beast. I do not recommend it, but it is free. I think the UI is enough to not give this game a try.
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