Persistence always wins..... Eventually, today it won out by getting me to finally post an introduction.
I'm Seaweaver! You may see me around her a lot as I'm the person who made the server. I'm over 20 years old and am currently working in the Game design and development field while part timing at nights currently in a Wearhouse. You may hear me say the name KIELHAUL a lot so to help explain a bit about it, it's a TTTCG that me and one other are currently working on, If you like pirate themed things then I think you'll find something enjoyable about it. Once this is done I plan on working on an older project of mine called Domination of the Dead so stay tuned for that. If you ever have any questions or need to gain my attention just ping me here. Finally I'd like to ask for you to check out my website for more info on any of my products! Here's the link:
記録時間: 249 時間
6月23日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 485 時間
6月20日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 28 時間
6月18日 に最後にプレイ
Owen 2023年8月29日 18時28分 
dude read 100 books in baldurs gate, nice!
Seaweaver 2013年2月12日 13時57分 
"I'm going cakeless."