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Hey. You. Like free games? Like cartoony craphics, first person shooters, objektive based gameplay? YOU LIKE HATS?
If anwser even on one of these questions is yes - maybe/I am open to new stuff, play Team Fortress 2 a.k.a Hat Fortress 2 a.k.a Conga Fortress 2.

9 mercenarys you to play as

Scout - F**king annoying, screaming little, cofeine narcotic, bunnysonic hybrid. Who has a shotty.

Solly - Lot healt, you have the best melee weapon in the game (rocket launchair).

Pyro - Like burning things? W+M1 all

Demoman - Spamm. SPAAAAMMMMMM the hell out of everybody

Heavy - Big, fat and Russian. What could go wrong?

Engineer - Has aimbot

Medic - You heal dudes, and do ubercharges

Sniper - MLG360noscope420%legitairshot (not really)

Spy - Stab peoples in the back, so fun, so hard at the start tough.

Highly recomed this game.
发布于 2015 年 1 月 28 日。
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