SIKK. ❟❛❟
Niklas "SIKK." Welk   Hessen, Germany
CS2 Player for CPLAY
:OL2rec: TWITCH [] :LoveLifeBluebird: TWITTER

Something about me:
:csgoct: Nickname: SIKK.
:csgoct: Age: 26
:csgoct: SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33606907
:_diamonds: 18 facher Verlierer in MauMau
:spazdunno: Currently Manager for Müller
:sider: Dodge Award 2018 #1 Dodge Award 2019 #1 Dodge Award 2020 #1 Dodge Award 2021 #1 Dodge Award 2022 #1

Admin of the Group PRACC EU INVITE []

Hall of Memes:
:steamsalty: ElecTriGGer: Die haben schon krass gedrückt, müsst ihr mir schon zustimmen oder? :) *Stille*
:steamsalty: sIKK: Schau mal auf das Fenster (Standort: Overpass | B-Häuser)
:steamsalty: Brillante Seite designed by Astinox
:steamsalty: Astinox: Wer hochzeitet denn in der nächsten Staffel?
:steamsalty: Astionx: Die free-Version kostet nichts =D
:steamsalty: Kitty: Asti, du hast halt so ne Teekesselchen-Lache =D
:steamsalty: Kitty: Schließ das Fenster, zieh dir was übrig.
:steamsalty: Blink: Wenn man sagt das man nicht kommt und kommt dann nicht, richtig assozial!
:steamsalty: FleX: Ey.. ich bin halt so Gedanken AFK -.-'
:steamsalty: Müller: Hast gesehen? Das war ein Delayed Refrag-Peak
:steamsalty: sIKK: Keiner ist krasser als der Orginale Ciccio Graziani
:steamsalty: Niiso: Kiffer sind mir grundsätzlich sympathischer als Franzosen
:steamsalty: Cembo: Das Schild auf Overpass (Überlänge) soll nach mir benannt werden
:steamsalty: Myschoo: Die Memoanalyse von der Skinbaronin ist am Start

If you don't risk all, how can you create your own future?
Bei einem Sieg erkennt man nicht den wahren Charakter eines Menschen, sondern erst bei einer Niederlage
Actuellement hors ligne
Vitrine des créations
Defusing without Hands
1 3
About me
:thefeather: Past Teams:

:yourteam: Vulcanian eSports (AmmoK, F L I P S T A R, swagseN, Hungry, sIKK.)
:AviciiTriangle: Team Destiny (Boogie, ptrk, Piixel, Myschoo, sIKK.)
:dhblueflame: eRaiize Gaming Academy (xFuture, Müller, tearsS, Myschoo, sIKK.)
:blast_core: 4Core Gaming (xFuture, Müller, tearsS, Blink, sIKK.)
:farm_chicken: Team ZODIACS (Niiso, Müller, hiP, Danny.V, sQuare, sIKK.)
:dhblueflame: eRaiize Gaming (BoRa, tiimbo, kRiZ, StpN, sIKK.)
:InfinityKnife: Silent Slaughter (spectRo, Ponke, FleX, Myschoo, sIKK.)
:CatTopHat: Team SkinBaron (FleX, Müller, Myschoo, FL!NT, sIKK.)
:FTWwolf: Wolves Esports (FleX, Müller, Myschoo, aerax-, FL!NT, Raverlele, sIKK.)
:FTWwolf: Wolves Esports (sjN, aimyo, Müller, niiso, sQuare, D1a, sIKK.)
:FTWwolf: Wolves Esports (sjN, aimyo, nipam, RaGeKennY, sIKK.)
:FTWwolf: Wolves Esports (RaGeKennY, FleX, aerax-, Viciouswolf, sQuare, sIKK.)
:bot9s: SENTHEX (RaGeKennY, FleX, aerax-, Viciouswolf, sIKK.)
:CatOnaDiet: MOREKATS (Snupi, Rabbi, wh1s, dentiix, sIKK.)

:kbstar: Coach:

:FTWwolf: Wolves Esports (Nikelele, FiLL, Kyubi, kLaus, MRLooPS)
:bomber_eng: planB eSports (Tweezy, xTreMe, FarmaG, C3dril, rabtus)

:orb: DLM-Spieler für Team Hessen []

:thefeather: Counter-Strike History:

» Online:

:AviciiTriangle: 99Damage Season 3 - Starter Divison
:dhblueflame: 99Damage Season 4 - Divison 4
:blast_core: 99Damage Season 5 - Divison 3
:farm_chicken: 99Damage Season 6 - Divison 3
:InfinityKnife: 99Damage Season 7 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:CatTopHat: 99Damage Season 8 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 9 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 10 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 11 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 15 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 16 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:FTWwolf: 99Damage Season 17 - Divison 3, Relegation Divison 2
:bot9s: 99Damage Season 18 - Divison 2
:CatOnaDiet: 99Damage Season 19 - Divison 2

:dhblueflame: ESL Meisterschaft CS:GO Sommer 2017 Major Ladder
:blast_core: ESEA SEASON 24 EU CS:GO Open
:InfinityKnife: ESEA SEASON 27 EU CS:GO Intermediate
:CatTopHat: ESEA SEASON 28 EU CS:GO ESL Meisterschaft Division 3 Playoffs
:FTWwolf: ESEA SEASON 29 EU CS:GO ESL Meisterschaft Division 3 Playoffs
:FTWwolf: ESEA SEASON 30 EU CS:GO ESL Meisterschaft Division 3 Playoffs
:FTWwolf: ESEA SEASON 31 EU CS:GO ESL Meisterschaft Division 3 Playoffs
:FTWwolf: ESEA SEASON 34 EU CS:GO Open (Playoffs)
:FTWwolf: ESEA SEASON 35 EU CS:GO Intermediate (Playoffs)
:bot9s: ESEA SEASON 38 EU CS:GO Main
:bot9s: ESEA SEASON 39 EU CS:GO Main
:CatOnaDiet: ESEA SEASON 40 EU CS:GO Open

» Offline:

DreamHack Leipzig LAN Tournament 2017 (xFuture, Nemental, tearsS, creyD, SIKK.)
DreamHack Leipzig LAN Tournament 2018 (spectRo, FleX, Ponke, Myschoo, SIKK.)
DreamHack Leipzig LAN Tournament 2019 (FL!NT, FleX, Aerax, Myschoo, SIKK.)
BK(XX)LAN #15 2018 (paradodoxon, tete, and1, steph4n, SIKK.)
SUPREME MASTERS Switzerland 2018 (Myschoo, FleX, FL!NT, Müller, SIKK.)
Gamesession Hannover 2019 (aNtrex, tete, ABCH, riM3x, SIKK..)
CS:GO German Community Series 2020 (hELL, Nikelele, FiLL, kLaus, SIKK.)
RCADIA x DUDES Alive 2022 (aerax-, FL!NT, FleX, da1ve, SIKK.)

:angrytiger: League Accounts:

FaceIt Profile []
ESL Profile []
ESEA Profile []
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R3x 9 sept. à 3h52 
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skibidi karol 15 juil. à 3h41 
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Crynoore 23 juin à 17h14 
:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy: DEPLOYING THE STEAMHAPPY :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
ImVaal 23 juin à 16h10 
Hi, i added you about group application esea main team
Zulkigis 22 juin à 10h34 
let's do this again