rowan ⚡⚡
Ezekiel 25:17
:rk_shroom: HARD(ER) TIMES :rk_shroom:
The 🅱️ALLIN' continues- are you in or are you out?

Shnazy lives forever!
Destaque de artes
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Transações no Mercado
During the Victorian era, Brazil was a 19th-century empire with a representative parliamentary monarchy and a strong connection to the British Empire:
Political stability: Brazil had political stability and freedom of speech, but legal restrictions on women and slaves.
Economic growth: Brazil had vibrant economic growth.
Cultural connections: Brazil and Britain had a close relationship that dated back to the partnership between England and Portugal.
Emperor Pedro II: Emperor Pedro II visited the United Kingdom as a private individual in 1871.
Arts: The arts moved closer to French and Italian cultures.
Urban reforms: Rio de Janeiro, the Federal Capital at the time, underwent major urban reforms.
Planned cities: Belo Horizonte, a planned city, was founded.
Moralism and sexual repression: The period was characterized by strong moralism and sexual repression.
Spelling rules: The Portuguese language followed Greek and Latin spelling rules until 1943.
Uninvited Guest 22 de set. às 14:12 
fake fascist
plimby lover 10 de ago. às 18:47 
signed by plimby
💙 pr0misee | twitch 💙 21 de jul. às 10:49 
rowan ⚡⚡ 10 de jul. às 9:01 
i don't delete comments but i did delete your hymen
ni:gmod::gmod:as so mentally scarred they autograph the comment section a whole day later
Slime 8 de jul. às 16:22 
what dobby said with some cheese on it