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0.6 hrs last two weeks / 2,929.6 hrs on record (1,506.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 9, 2016 @ 6:26am
Updated: Sep 22, 2023 @ 5:31am

CS:GO Review
Cool gaym, I ain't gonna lie.
People say there's a lot of hackers. Prime is almost clear of hackers, actually, those who don't agree, just a losers who don't have enough brain to realize, that there are people actually spending more time in this game and as a result get better skill than they do.
Even though in 2019 valve managed to kill a decoy grenade, it's still playable for me. But, there's a big-ass "but". You guys are trying to make this game as much competitive as you can, make changes that kill fun and stuff. Even though people are already toxic enoguh here, it's not a limit. The more fun you kill- the less it's playable for people, who don't find this game competitive and play it just for fun. Sooner or later this game will become a second R6 siege, and then it will start slowly dying. I really hope I'm wrong at this point, but... Enjoy this game as much as you can.
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