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表象or现实 appearance or reality

你所看到的只是其中一层表面 What you see is only one surface.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

显现or循环 showing or cycle

显现出来的另一层 Another layer that shows up
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

我爱蹦迪 I love disco dancing

沉迷跳床无法自拔 Trampoline addiction can not extricate itself
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

不再是秘密 It's no longer a secret

一切都将呈现出来 Everything will begin to show up.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

你好像很沉迷 You seem to be addicted.

这马桶的声音竟如此的迷人 The sound of the flushing toilet fascinated me so much.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

失去 Lose

如同成长或者被别人夺走而失去的宝贵东西 Like precious things lost in the process of growing up or being taken away by others
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

这是我的日常 This is what I often do every day.

每天妈妈出门我就从这里悄悄跑出去 Every day when my mother goes out, I turn quietly from here to outside.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03


发现了潜藏在后面的秘密 Discovered the secret behind it.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

逃脱失败 Failure to escape

原本已经逃出来了,但很不幸的是你遇见了它 I thought I had escaped, but unfortunately you met it.
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03

清醒 regain consciousness

我在哪,这里究竟发生了什么……为什么我的身体!! Where am I, what happened here? Why is my body...!!
Låst op: 6. jan. 2020 kl. 18:03