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Senaste recensioner av Glizzy God

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
26.5 timmar totalt
Fun, but if only if you know what you're doing
+Difficult +Great Soundtrack -Doesn't teach you anything -Boring multiplayer if there's a skill gap

Fortunately for me I had the luxury of a friend who was willing to explain the ins and outs of the game as we played, which allowed me to find the fun in it. If I had just played by myself, I would've only spent a few hours trying to figure out what I can do, what I need to do to beat the game, what I need to do to unlock the content of the game, and then eventually get frustrated and stop playing. Sure, I could've spent time looking up guides, but it shouldn't be unreasonable to expect a game to be able to explain what the goals are and how to achieve them. There were so many times where my friend was like "oh yeah there's no other way to get this achievement/character besides jumping off a random cliff and going through these hidden platforms to turn this dial and complete this secret level to unlock the switch that you can activate if you get to the last level" and I'm wondering how the hell I would've figured this out on my own when the game doesn't tell me jack.

Multiplayer was fun, but it commonly created a situation where someone died early at the start of the level, and had to wait 10-20 minutes to get another chance to play. Plus, if you die early you miss out on loot, making it exponentially more like that you die early in the next level, snowballing until the game becomes impossible to play for more than a couple minutes in between periods of almost half an hour of waiting. I started having a second game open on my second monitor to play if I died early, which I dont think is ever a good thing to have happen for people playing your game. The soundtrack can alleviate some of the boredom, and during tense boss fights it can be fun to watch your friends, but there's only so much you can do to make waiting interesting.
Upplagd 19 januari 2022.
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3.4 timmar totalt
Really fun! +Satisfying Movement +Charming Experience -Short

I saw a streamer watch the trailer for this game and instantly knew that I had to try it out.

The movement is as fun as it looked, the ability to do multiple things instantly out of pretty much any action made for lots of fun decision making that could be done on the fly given the scenario and what type of height and/or distance you needed for a jump. The addition of the jetpack later in the game was also really fun, since it created a whole new set of jumping options that could be inserted at any point of the sequences that I had already become familiar with.

Visually the game didn't bother me, but I could understand how someone might feel that the heavy saturation and bright colors might make seem like a little "too much" at points. It just feels like everything is outlined and fully colored in, so environments that have more things in them, like the library, can get to a point where there's too much to focus on and it becomes a bit unpleasant to look at.

The voice acting was surprisingly really good, I never expected it to make that much of an impact on a game like this, but I found it really added to the fun that I was having. Granted, the dialogue itself isn't anything to write home about, and the story isn't meant to be anything more complex than tik tac toe, but you can tell it wasn't done out of obligation, but rather as an effort to add to the emotional fun of the game.

The game was short enough to leave me wanting more, I don't necessarily know how long the movement and abilities would've stayed fresh to me, but I definitely wanted the experience to be a bit longer and for there to be a few more environments to go through by the time I beat the game.
Upplagd 19 januari 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
10 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.0 timmar totalt
Being someone who's played basketball all their life, I was really interested in finding a strategy basketball game and seeing what it would play like. The system was easy to understand, by the second game I was already feeling pretty comfortable in the mechanics. Being on offense is the most fun part, tailoring your playstyle based on the characters that you were given was the most fun aspect of the game. The defensive mechanics, however, were pretty lackluster in my opinion, and it was even noticeable when I was on offense, as I never really had to factor in the skillsets of any of the defenders when strategizing, aside from one character. There's no real option to ensure on-ball defense, making you feel extremely helpless when the CPU chucks 3s in your face and nails every single one, or when they move away from ur defender on their turn and then drain another 3. The "first to 7" standard makes the difference between 3s and 2s a huge deal, so it's really demoralizing when the CPU Remi steals from your character after they were randomly placed next to them after a change of possession, shoves a defender out of the way, and drains a three without there being anything you can do. There's only one character who has an ability that resembles on-ball defending, but even then there were multiple times the CPU simply dribbled away from them and then made their shot, and you are playing against that character half the time.

Storywise, it was definitely effective in making me favor certain characters over others (Alex is a certified bucket btw), but I found it interesting because I found that I liked and disliked characters based on both their dialogue and their playstyles. I hated two characters because they were ballhogs and one of them would not be actionable on defense since they were being lazy, and even though some other characters would not be actionable every turn due to being old or having certain conditions, I didn't harbor any negative feelings towards them like I did the non-actionable characters who were described as being nonchalant or lazy.

Overall fun game, would love to sink my teeth into something like this if the mechanics were more fleshed out, but for what it is, I find it enjoyable. I do feel like a game around $10 for something that lasted me 2 hours was a little too much, but I wouldn't mind playing through it a couple more times in the future I guess.
Upplagd 19 januari 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5.9 timmar totalt (4.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Bought the game without any knowledge of it beforehand, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I was having, especially towards the endgame when I got to switch freely between different powers. However, I was kinda disappointed when I beat the game the same day I bought it, it's regretably short! I will most likely be playing this through multiple times, so I guess it isn't as bad, but beating the game completely blind from start to finish in about 4 hours was a little disheartening. Every minute of it was fun, though!
Upplagd 2 augusti 2018. Senast ändrad 2 augusti 2018.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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