
Adam! の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 15.2 時間
I've had this game for just over two days now and I'm seriously hooked on playing this. The community is still strong and the game-play is phenomenal. There's no better feeling than pulling off a combo and sending pretty much everyone to jail and basking in the riches of an open board whilst everyone else has 3 turns to try and get out! The pacing is great and the build up towards end game can get really tense. Trying to weed out other players tactics so they don't pinch first place from you; truly at that phase any partnerships built from the beginning will crumble fast and it's every gremlin for him/herself. One of the best PC board games I've played to date and it'll be a favourite for a long time, for sure. It's currently on sale for 75% off and I'd recommend completely to give it a go. You won't be disappointed if you enjoy the emotions and rushes of a well built and frequently updated board game.
投稿日 2018年10月5日. 最終更新日 2018年10月5日
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